<p>Okay, I got quite a problem and hope I'm not screwed. I need my foreign language and a history class. Both are offered once each quarter. In Winter, the time conflicts. If this happens in Spring as well, does anyone have any ideas what I can do or who I can talk to? Can I get the history class waived or challenge it somehow? The history is for the American Institutions requirement (a university one) and the foreign language is for School of Humanities. Since UCI is the only school that teaches the foreign language, I will of course choose that. But I need the history as well. Note that I am a senior. I know that I can take the history in the summer (assuming they offer it), but summer costs a lot of money and it's very important to me and my family that I take part in the Commencement Ceremony and graduate on time.</p>
<p>Is it a requirement that you take the class at UCI? (even for summer)? Have you thought about taking the class equivalent at a JC?</p>
<p>(for the history class)</p>
You can try, but on what grounds will you base your challenge? Just cause you don’t want to/can’t? I’d like to point out (and I’m sure the school will bring it up) you had three years to take care of it.</p>
Junior colleges and various CSUs in the area teach history classes and foreign language classes.</p>
You can still walk in June if you need to take a summer class. </p>
<p>Being constructive:
- Take the history or language class at a junior college either during the spring semester or over the summer. [Saddleback</a> College](<a href=“http://www.saddleback.edu/cs/spring/oe.html]Saddleback”>http://www.saddleback.edu/cs/spring/oe.html) is offering several sections of both US history and American Government online.
- Don’t take the foreign language course but study it on your own. Then contact the [UCI</a> Language Testing Program](<a href=“http://www.testingcenter.uci.edu/languagetesting.html]UCI”>http://www.testingcenter.uci.edu/languagetesting.html) and pass out of the requirement.</p>
<p>Is there an online course you can register for? Many don’t have set times although I have seen some that require people to be logged on at a set time for group chat.</p>