need help deciding common essay topic!

<p>i know it's kinda late to start thinkin about essays..but can somebody please help me with this?<br>
so for the main essay, i'm still hesitating about what to write..
-getting lost in an airport in Los Angeles during a study-visit when i was 12, could speak little english but finally got on the plane and found the way back on my own
(a weird experience but lead to my u.s dream)</p>

<p>-volunteering at a daycamp and was inspired by how camp leaders educate kids with disabilities (has something thing to do with my potential Major psychology)</p>

<p>-how i enjoy writing(in my first language), and how i then found out the beauty of creative writing in english after moving to en english-speaking country</p>

<p>-experience of immigrating to canada (old old fashion but i did have something to say)</p>

<p>i'm really an average student with ok scores and ECs, wanna be unique but have little clue about how...

<p>Any of your topics would be fine!</p>

<p>Write like you are telling the experience to a friend.</p>

<p>Personally the airport one sounds the most intriguing and the most interesting.</p>

<p>The hardest part is getting the first part down on paper.</p>

<p>Then edit edit edit. Have an adult who doesn’t know you very well read it (after all, the adcoms won’t know you at all).</p>

<p>Best wishes in the application process.</p>

<p>i’ve already had 250 words down, the hardest thing for me is to come up with a nice opening line and to refer this event to my potential & strength ect… a little worry cuz i’m not sure if actually have to do that
but thanks for the help!!!</p>