Need last minute common app essay help please!!!!

<p>....preferably an adult or current college student, no offense to my fellow applicants hahaha. I have a nasty procrastination habit and finished my essay this week, so any criticism would really really help. Be brutally honest!</p>

<p>I’ll message it to anyone willing to read</p>


<p>Any takers?!?!?!</p>

<p>go ahead, just paste it in my pm, I can’t seem to open attachments from this computer. I’ll read it tonite</p>

<p>Thanks a ton! For some reason, it’s not sending. Could I just send it to you in a text email instead of an attachment?</p>

<p>Any other readers please?</p>

<p>Send it over.</p>

<p>Sent it!!!</p>

<p>have you read it yet??</p>

<p>trade ya? Ill read your common app essay if you’ll mine (mainly for content and flow). PM it to me soon and I can get it back to you in less than 30 min.</p>

<p>Sorry man, I’m really anal bout my essay. It’s nothing against you, I’d just prefer to have an adult/college student/someone who already applied read</p>

<p>pm me and i’ll read it</p>