Need Parental Critique for my essay

<p>Hello parents out there. I hope some of you would be willing to take a peak at one of my 3 essays I have to write for a particular school. I really need an adult's point of view because the essay is a little "different". Let me know if you are willing. Thanks.</p>

<p>I would be happy to read it.</p>

<p>Need more adults willing to read my essay. Both females and males needed due to subject matter. Thanks.</p>

<p>Thus far I have received 3 feedbacks, consisting of:</p>

<p>1) Refreshing but needs tweaking (from cc applicant)
2) Excllent (from cc parent)
3) "You have to be kidding - you aren't really sending that" (from an ultra conservative physician)</p>

<p>Still looking for more feedback! Thanks.</p>