<p>so in this tough time in high school where i'm procrastinating and all i've met this guy well i've known him for awhile. i think he's funny and cute and like him ALOT. i guess you could say this is probably my first crush in hs since there aren't really any cute/smart/funny guys like him in my school. he's not the hottest guy in the world but he's cute..and smart and makes me laugh alot. in other words we're friends..just not GREAT friends because we don't have any classes together. the thing is that he's the type of shy guy who would probably fret to ask a girl out and all..how can i get to know him more..and be even closer to him? my feelings are really hard to control and everytime i see him i can't look him into the eye..it feels awkward ..it sure doesn't feel the same. any advice?</p>
<p>Kiss him. Analyze his reactions, and then write a data analysis paper on his reaction.</p>
<p>ask him out</p>
<p>ask if he wants to hang out, if you dont want to fully ask him out, but make it something fun, probs not a movie, since you wouldnt get to talk very much. just GO FER IT!!!</p>
<p>I suggest you ask him out/make the first move.
Otherwise its going nowhere anytime soon.</p>
<p>he sounds like he doesnt have much experience with girls (if any at alll) - in that case, make a move on him preferably opening up his pants.</p>
<p>why would you be attracted to someone who is a little pansy though?</p>
<p>^^nice guys are nice, nothing wrong with that</p>
<p>make the first move.</p>
<p>being scared to talk to a girl =/= being a nice guy,
being scared to talk to a girl = being a little *****.</p>
<p>If he’s making you laugh, that’s a sure sign that you guys are at least comfortable with each other, even though he may be a little bit shy. (A guy’s opinion) Don’t randomly kiss him, but look for an excuse to ask for a hug and see how he reacts. haha. Worked on me >_<</p>
<p>do ^ and ask him if he wants to go bowling or something if you think asking him out isn’t the best idea</p>