Negative reactions regarding child attending BS

@2liebe: Now you can rent out that second room!

Aren’t there complimentary libations for the new folks to the board? (I still haven’t found them, yet, but I thought I heard that somewhere…) :smiley:

There’s room at this bar for everyone. <clink!></clink!>

Times when you will need that extra libation:

  • Drop off
  • First phone call
  • First term grades
  • First view of dorm room at Parents Weekend
  • Every tuition bill
  • Graduation

Feel free to add to the list.

The first time you smell the dorm room Parents Weekend…

The moment you realize E&R has you over a barrel. ( If you want to preserve the family honor )

The cost of books. Prepare yourself because this will be the first time you consider buying wine in a box. :slight_smile:

@PhotographerMom , by no means the first time for some of us. :slight_smile: And some of us (hic!) have been hitting the box - er, bottle - a little harder than usual to get through this school year.

My dorm can’t smell any worse than my room at home. I have the litter box. 'Nuff said.

@stargirl3 You know the litter needs to be changed, right? :slight_smile:

@stargirl3 You know the litter needs to be changed, right? :slight_smile:

In lieu of paying for laundry service, I may just join a wine club where the bottles are delivered right to my door.

Imagine, if you will, a litter box, a turtle tank, and general teen boy funk. The dorms smell worse than that? Maybe I’ll send him with a 55 gallon drum of febreeze. Which I’m sure would return home completely full at the end of the year.

@skieurope Really?!?!?!

Hmmm, don’t know why that double posted. :-?

Anyway @stargirl3 then maybe you should change brands; I never notice any odor from our cat’s litter box.

@skieurope @stargirl3 maybe it’s the food the cat is eating that is causing the stink…

My current one isn’t bad. We kinda just get what’s cheap.

I like your outlook, @PhotographerMom !

Yep, CA is especially rough. We are living it. Totally different culture!

Thanks for the heads-up, @Choatiemom. I’m already expecting to be a mess on that cross-continental flight after drop-off.

Ha ha, @PhotographerMom, two-buck-Chuck, here we come!

EXCELLENT IDEA, @dreamcatcher3 :wink: