Nervous UC applicant's chance me post

I haven’t done a chance-me post before, sorry if I’m not doing this right!
in-state asian female with little to no hook
1520 720R/800M
4.0 UW 4.53 UC uncapped 4.31 UC capped (thanks roger)
770 Math2, 650 physics (yeah I sent this to every school, will it look bad?), 800 chinese, 730 spanish, 790 world history
class rank 2/370
13 AP’s, i got 3’s on APCSA, AP spanish, and AP stats. The other five are 5’s. (5 AP’s in senior year)
Majors: UCI pharmaceutical science, second BME. UCSD Math/CS, second CS bioinformatics. UCB LSA CS. UCLA CS (haha yikes). UCD biochem, second CS.
I’d say I have good grammar and ideas, but I don’t really know.
I didn’t get a lot of awards, I did show passion in my EC’s in learning CS and bio-mimicry.

Anything helps!
Thank you all so much in advance!

You look like a very competitive and qualified applicant. I do not think your Physics SAT subject score will impact your chances greatly but if you are a Native speaker, your Chinese subject test will not help your chances. Although UCLA and UCB should be considered Reach schools, they are a reasonable Reach. You will have several options in the Spring and hopefully you have a solid Safety school on your list. Best of luck.

Hi, UCI student here! For the general university as well as to get into either the school of BioSci or PharmSci, it seems like your stats are amazing. Assuming your essays and ECs are as quality as your grades, I would even put you at a chance of receiving either honors or the regents scholarship here. Regents money here at UCI is what convinced me to attend instead of other schools like UCLA or some Ivy Leagues. Feel free to message me if you want any insight into UCI or the college decision process in general. I hope to see you here next fall!

Thank you so much! Truly made my day! I will definitely shoot my questions to you, thanks again!