<p>hey so im going to be transferring to UCR in the fall of 2011 and Im just wondering wheres the best place to live. I want to live on campus..simply because Im a little anti social and itll be easier for me to meet ppl and make friends if im surrounded by students 24/7. So if anyone could offer advice that would be great!</p>
<p>heres a little what im looking for:</p>
<p>Furnished apartment
Close to campus</p>
<p>Hmm well the closest furnished apartments on campus are the Glen Mor apartments. But they are rather expensive compared to the other apartments close to campus, which are all unfurnished. The farther you are from campus, the less safe it is. </p>
<p>If you want to live on campus there’s always the option of living in the dorms? I know there’s some halls for transfer students and I think the cheapest dorms are about the same price that you would pay for a Glen Mor apartment. Dorms are a great way to meet people too if you’re interested :).</p>
<p>thanks XIXIJA</p>
<p>I’ve heard of the dorms but was told they get filled up by freshman…and im 22…lol i dont want to live with or even surrounded by a bunch of freshman. Thank you so much for your help though!
its greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>Do you (or anyone) know anything about Oban (formely Summer ridge) and International Village?</p>
<p>Haha I understand that you wouldn’t wanna live with a bunch of freshman…</p>
<p>Well I’m a freshman this year and I tried to get an apartment at Oban, but they’re all filled up :(. It’s because the people who are already living apartments get first choice and Oban’s pretty popular and cheap. As for International Village, it’s a lot farther away from campus then the other apartments…and it’s more expensive because it’s furnished. I toured the place and it seemed pretty nice, but I’ve heard some bad things about it :/. </p>
<p>Hope this helps and I hope you find a good place to live!</p>
<p>i was just at housing the other day. returning residents and current students get priority, so the only apartments that still have space are stonehaven and IV. theyre both campus owned apartments, but i wouldn’t call them on-campus apartments. campus crossings and university village apartments (not to be confused with uv towers) are pretty much just as close as IV and stonehaven, and cheaper, although unfurnished (i think). but people reject their contracts everyday so if you call in often, you might find something closer! the apartments closest to campus are bannockburn and the plaza, followed by oban and falkirk and glen mor (kindof).</p>
<p>Can anyone who knows anything about the transfer halls in the dorms give me any info plz???</p>
<p>i prefer to live in the dorms my first year just to have a smooth and socially active transition into the school… and considering that ive never lived away from home, i think i’d be better off in the dorms concerning the meal plan, furnished rooms, and basically less worries than having the responsibility of living in an apartment…</p>
<p>and, im really skeptical about living in the dorms period because of the fact that ill be surrounded by freshmens and me being a Jr. might be awkward?? idk?? any advice?? – </p>
<p>so, i would appriciate any info on the transfer halls: costs? vibe? oh and which dorms are the transfer halls located??</p>
<p>Mattac, when I transferred I was expecting to be placed into the transfer hall by housing, but instead, they placed me in an off-campus apartment unit. This is not an isolated occurrence because my roommates and several other transfer students I know were placed at the UV Towers. So beware, you may be placed at the UV Towers rather than in an on-campus dorm or apartment.</p>
<p>oh, i see… so basically i may be getting what ever is left and i assume what ever is left is not too great… any advice on avoiding this?? </p>
<p>also, im submitting a dorm application (SLR) , not an apt. contract so im wondering would they even be able to place me in an apt. if the dorms are filled???</p>
<p>Mattac, I submitted a contract for a dorm as well, not for an apt. But they placed me at the UV Towers when I transferred. The same thing happened to many transfer students. There is not much you can do to avoid this. If you get placed at the UV Towers (which is fairly likely to occur), please note that you have to pay the UC Regents not the property owners every quarter/month (depending on your payment plan).</p>
<p>thanks! well in that case would you recommend me to just apply for campus apts?</p>
<p>also- do you know the vibe from the dorms? is it usually all freshman? do you know much about the transfer halls???</p>
<p>it’ll be hard to get a campus apartment at this point. UVT is fine. its just expensive and smallish. it’ll be about as social as pentland dorms though. </p>
<p>for my dorm there are a couple second and third years and they fit in fine, but yes it’s mostly freshmen.</p>
<p>Hey all, so I didn’t SIR until the 10th and signed up for both Res Hall and On Campus Apartments (which I hope I get) on the 15th, I know i’m on the Waiting list, but do I have some semblance of a chance to get housing? Anyone know themselves or know anybody who applied late and got any kind of housing? Kinda worried, I just hope I don’t have to drive 40 miles both ways next year :-/</p>
<p>There is a specific dorm for transfer students in Pentland Hills. The hall is just for transfer students. Pentland Hills does reach out to be a little pricey… but if you want the ease into the university social experience, like me, it should be worth it. When you apply for res hall contract they have a section on special interest. in there there is a bit for transfer students. you have to attend 3 lecture things a year and you’re golden. :)</p>
<p>If you plan on sharing a 2 bedroom apartment on-campus, be aware that your roommate can, at any time, for a $75 fee, move in his/her entire family and friends into his/her bedroom. You will pay the same half of the rent but share your bathroom, kitchen, and other facilities with others. UCR Housing Services currently does not have any control over having this happen. Happy hunting for an apartment off-campus.</p>