<p>I heard the new dance instructor was leaving! Is this true?</p>
<p>Anna Maria was a wonderful addition to the BW MT family, but will not be returning next year.</p>
<p>Is there a replacement in mind, or will this diminish the new focus that has been put on dance at Baldwin Wallace?</p>
<p>Though no specific person has been chosen yet, we of course will continue to work hard to match our dance training to the levels of our music and acting training! : ) Our goal is to produce hireable professionals, and we know that dance is an important part of that!</p>
<p>Any word on plans for a dance instructor for next year? How do you feel the dance component is at B-W? (Saw on the school’s webpage that minoring in dance is possible…are there many classes/instructors?)</p>
<p>We’re getting a wonderful man named Gregory Daniels! I took the classes he offered while he was here interviewing, and am very much looking forward to what he has to offer us at BW! Our dance program is getting better… Hopefully Greg will improve it even more! We have scheduled classes throughout the week as well as the option to audit any class we would like to. A dance minor is possible, but from what I understand the emphasis with that is more on health and safety and other classroom classes.</p>