New Engineering Scholarships?

<p>I am new to CC so I am not sure if there is already a thread about it or not. But today I got 2 new scholarships I have never heard of before. I did not apply for them and I can not find anything about them. I went to see if it needed to be accepted but it was already closed. The scholarships are called Engineering Leadership Scholarship and President’s Cabinet Engineering Scholarship. I am wondering how I got them, if I need to accept them and how much they are worth. I already have the UA Scholar scholarship and the Engineering tuition supplement and the engineering scholarship. I will be a freshman in the fall if that makes a difference.
Thanks and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>bamagirl18: Pretty sure the “Engineering Leadership Scholarship” is the same as the “engineering scholarship” that you already knew about. You just recently received your certificate for that one, correct? It’s the same thing. $10,000 over four years. Now…hmmmm… the “Cabinet” one…I don’t know about that one.</p>

<p>Amy9998 I already received a certificate for the engineering scholarship though. And it was under a different name. I can’t tell because it’s 2 different certificates with 2 different names. </p>

<p>Amy9998 thanks for the help. I emailed the scholarship coordinator and she cleared it up. They were the formal names for the scholarships. Thanks!</p>

<p>Hmmm…well, you might try contacting the College of Engineering directly. They should be able to help you sort it out? Good luck and please let us know what you find out…because it may apply to some of us parents who have incoming engineering majors! and…congratulations!!</p>

<p>I can add that the names of these scholarships are useful when completing applications for other (outside) scholarships, because these are not technically tuition scholarships - they can be used for any purpose up to the value of tuition, so other, outside scholarships can be used for tuition-related expenses instead. Also, the UA names just sound impressive, right? Congrats & Roll Tide! </p>