Anyone noticed new engineering scholarships for Class of 2017 and beyond?

As title stated, anyone else noticed the new engineering scholarships? For the class of 2017 and beyond, scholarship for ACT scores of 30-31 will not receive the “President’s Cabinet” supplement to bring the award up to full tuition. But you’ll still get the $2500/year engineering supplement.

Guess if you’re looking for the same engineering scholarship level as in previous years, you’ll have to bring up your ACT to a 32 (same as for Presidential Scholars).

Where did you see that?

Have they release 2016-2017 Scholarship info? Seems a bit early…

From the CDS info (section H):

Non-need based Institutional Scholarship/Grant by year:
2006-2007: $18 Million

2010-2011: $40.3 Million
2011-2012: $50.9 Million
2012-2013: $65.0 Million
2013-2014: $79.8 Million
2014-2015: ? but I would guess it will be around $95 million, based on the increase in undergraduate students and a decrease in student attrition (which will lead to an increase in graduation rates).

Spending on scholarships can’t keep going up forever (at least not at this rate). At some point funds need to be re-directed to faculty (hire more tenured faculty), grad students (TA/RA, etc…), facilities and other expenses.


President’s Cabinet Engineering Scholarship offers will be discontinued for students entering fall 2017 or later.

And it applies to OOS students, instate students still receive the same as previous years for ACT of 30-36.

Actually, I’ve have not checked the engineering scholarship page for a couple of weeks. But since DD just received her results from the Sept ACT. I clicked on to double check the scholarship requirements and found this whole new updated page.

For HS juniors and their parents, this may turn the tables as their financial/safety school. But at least they’ve got time to take a couple of retest to up their ACT score.

DD got her target ACT score of 32 on the first try and declared she is thankfully finished with the ACT. Won’t take the PSAT because she believes she’ll never get NMF anyways, we live in CA.

Yes, there is no supplement starting in 2017. Agree with @Gator88NE that they need to focus on hiring staff and increasing the grad school to support the large increase in undergraduate enrollment.

This change puts them in line with other major Universities, i.e. OSU. UM-TC, etc., regarding merit scholarships for OOS students.


Won’t take the PSAT because she believes she’ll never get NMF anyways, we live in CA.



that may be so, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Isn’t the PSAT cut off for Calif about a 222? If so, that’s not far off from an ACT 32.

Since the top 25% have an ACT 32+, I can see why the CoE is phasing that out. Besides, there was always a risk with that offer…Eng’g is a “weeding major.” A student with that 1/3 supplement who decides that eng’g isn’t right for him/her, suddenly loses that supplement and at that point may not be able to afford the school.

And, as mentioned above…it is a very expensive offer for the CoE. For each student with that offer, the CoE is paying out over $8k per year…plus the $2500 per year. That’s a lot of money for a college within a univ.

Glad for the head’s up info on this thread.

UA has been incredibly generous w/ scholarships to OOS students & we will be forever grateful DS was accepted.

However, he did need the full tuition plus Engineering scholarship to make it affordable for us. I always felt he would stay in engineering even if he didn’t stick w/ the one he originally declared.

He is now being cautioned about maintaining a good GPA as he appears to be having a really good time! :wink:

My DS would squeak in, entering in fall of 2016. But I’m confused as to what the “Engineering President’s Cabinet Scholarship” is. DS would be a computer science major which (I think) falls under the CoE. (??)

So what is a 33% Tuition Supplement? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

@SouthfloridaMom9 The “Engineering President’s Cabinet Scholarship” is the additional 33% Tuition Supplement given to COE students who are awarded the UA Scholar (ACT 30-31). The UA Scholar only awards 2/3 tuition (67%), but engineering students got an additional 33%, bringing it up to 100%. Engineering students also got the $2,500 per year scholarship (“Engineering Leadership Scholarship”) for having an ACT of a 30 or better (or SAT of 1330+)

With this change, UA Scholars will only be awarded the 2/3 OOS tuition scholarship and the $2,500 a year scholarship.

@SFmom check the UA engineering scholarship site @

Your DS as an OOS with an ACT 30-31 entering in fall 2016 will be named UA scholar which would cover 67% of tuition, and would also receive the Engineering President’s Cabinet Scholarship which would be 33% of tuition. Therefore, receiving 100% tuition plus the Engineering Leadership Scholarship of $2500/year.

On the bottom of the page is a form to fill out any questions you may have on the engineering scholarship. Hope this helps.

Thank you @Gator88NE and @rxcat85! Can’t believe I didn’t see this before. :confused:

I had never realized that OOS engineering students with a 30/31 on the ACT were given the same package as the Presidential Scholarship. My neighbor is very interested in UA and falls into this category-so it is not ending until 2017 right?

@riverbirch - you are not alone! I have scoured the UA threads/web site and never noticed that.

@riverbirch @SouthFloridaMom Here is the link where it clearly states that the cabinet scholarship ends with the 2016 cohort:

“President’s Cabinet Engineering Scholarship offers will be discontinued for students entering fall 2017 or later.”

Affects applicants to engineering with 30 or 31 ACT. 32+ ACT is still full tuition.

@riverbirch If your neighbor is a senior, then he’s fine.

I’m wondering my DS is an OOS Junior and just got his Sept ACT back. He got a 32. I told him he didn’t have to take it again. But now I am wondering does it say anywhere that for 2017 if you have a 3.5 and a 32 you will still receive free tuition? I don’t want to get to next fall and find out he needs to take it and get a 33 or 34…

From the statement, it appears the change for 2017 would be the loss of the President’s Cabinet Engineering Scholarship. Your son should still be good w/ the 32 ACT score. You could always call the school & see what they have to say.