New issue - forum location not showing under threads

Since the emoji change/update I’m having issues with notifications, slow load times, and today, some of the forum headings under the threads disappeared. The Parents Cafe heading is gone under the H&M thread. See photo below:

Thanks @momofboiler1! I think we have one team working on the issues with how things look.

Can you say more about what the issues with notifications are and, for slow load times, is it all the time since the update, or just specific times since then? The system is set to scale up and add more servers when the load requires it. I am working on tweaking things to make sure that it’s scaling up when it should and have also made a change that will allow additional servers to be ready to use more quickly.

If you could say what time (and time zone) you had bad performance it would make it easier for me to figure out what the issue might be.

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Notifications seem to disappear -When I come back to the site, I will have the blue number in the upper right hand corner, but as soon as I read just one, the number disappears entirely. It’s hit or miss if that happens.

Slow times seem to happen mostly in the evenings, starting around 7 pm central time.

The issue that I posted about originally with the forum not appearing below the thread title seems to have resolved.

Thank you!

But they are still there if you click it again, right? I think that the blue dot is there just to show you what’s new since you last looked at the notifications. There have been some substantial changes to notifications recently.

Aha! That’s very helpful. And what I’d expect. Hmm, but looking at the logs of the thing doing the scaling, I don’t see an explanation! Hopefully the changes that I have made to make scaling more responsive will help resolve this.

Oh. Hoorway! I’m quite relieved I’ve just started looking at the site (I’m here just to make the web server work) and couldn’t figure out what you were talking about! I guess the folks working on that part of things did know what you were talking about!

Yes, the list of new messages is there if I click again, just not the blue circle or the number. Thankfully when I go into read a new responses, underneath will be “unread threads” so I can just access my unread from there.

Here is an example of some of the oddities -

I have a blue circle with the number 1, but on this screen shot alone, it’s showing a new message in my “new issues” three and the “where can I search for legitimate scholarships…” thread, so that number in the upper right should at least be 2.

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Great. That’s the way it’s working on the other sites I use (one run by the company that develops the software). Once you click the blue dot, it goes away since once you click it thinks that you’ve been notified.

The way I like to get to unread is the keyboard shortcut “gu”, and “gn” to see the new topics. (You can type ? to see the list of shortcuts)–apologies if you knew that already.

A pretty big change in how notifications are displayed will be arriving with the next update. It makes it easier to see all of the different kinds of notifications.

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So I think the 1 in the blue dot is how many new there are since you last clicked the dot, and the ones you see in the thread list is what you haven’t seen there. I don’t think it’s expected that those two indicators be in agreement.

There is a disconnect about what happens when I access the site from my phone vs my laptop. The notifications “count down” from my phone while on my computer, it disappears.

@CC_Jay please tell us who you are and what your job is at college confidential.

Usually @CC_Jon or @CC_Sorin introduces folks to us.

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Wondering this as well.

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Here it is!

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