New Jersey Scholars Program 2018

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone from the past could shine some light on what kind of extracurriculars are needed to get into the semifinals for this program. Also, does GPA weigh more than the personal essays or is it the other way around? My counselor just gave me the form to fill out and I just want some more information about the program.

While I am not on the admissions panel, I was a graduate of the Class of 2013 for the program. From my understanding, there are no predefined requisites in your extracurricular activities. The program takes a holistic review of your application (similar to that of admissions officers at universities), and review it in its entirety.

Your academic transcripts, recommendations, and personal essays are all a vital part of your application. While I had a strong academic background, I knew other peers that had much stronger grades than I did. I wouldn’t worry too much about elements in your application that you cannot control. Focus on getting strong recommendations and writing strong personal essays.

Thank you! i just handed in my application today

Best of luck chaoticchef, I applied too. My guidance counselor said that she thinks everyone gets an interview. Did yours say anything like that?

If anyone has any questions, I am an alumni of last year’s program!

What happens at the interviews, what’s the process?

First, you go on a tour of the campus with two to three alumni from the year before. Do your best to be friendly and social- I’ve heard that they ask student tour guides about the kids. After, you and your tour group (about five people) go to a room, you have two interviewers, and they ask you questions. It’s important to have a conversation, to ask questions yourself, to be philosophical, insightful, and intellectual. It’s really easy to weed out people who are smart v. people who are intelligent, if you understand the distinction. This lasts for an hour, and then you’re free to leave. I got a phone call a few days later.

Have you received notice if you’ve moved on to the interview round yet?

That was really helpful, thank you! Unfortunately, I have yet to hear anything; fortunately, I think the deadline for the application was yesterday or at least to be postmarked.

Also, not everyone gets an interview. I think about 150 people get an interview out of ~250 applicants.

When did you find out that you got an interview?

Has anyone found out whether or not they got an interview yet?

Still waiting

According to their Facebook page, they finished reviewing the applications February 28 of last year

guys I’m really nervous! does anyone know how many people applied (roughly) and how many usually get interviews? I loved my essays but my recommendation wasn’t the best so i’m not sure…

From looking online from previous years, they get 250 to 280 applications and call in around 130-140 for interviews.

hey, has anyone heard back yet?

not yet

nope :frowning:

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