<p>Since I can't find a thread for this year's program I figured I'd start one. I recently heard about the NJ Scholars Program which is held at the lawrenceville prep school each summer. Does anyone know exactly how competitive this program is? I know that only 39 students are accepted each year but I was wondering percentage wise how many get in. Also, what is the application like and the essay topics from recent years? My guidance counselor hasn't gotten back to me, she said she was still waiting on the application so I was wondering if past attendees or students with a 2012 app could give me some insight. Lastly, what were the overall best and worst aspects of the program? Thanks!</p>
<p>P.S. any tips on getting in?</p>
<p>Hi! I did New Jersey Scholars last year, and I can easily say that it was one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had, and definitely the best use of my summer, and I know my fellow scholars felt the same way. It’s a lot of work, but everyone is really smart and interesting to talk to; I definitely learned as much from my friends as I did from my teachers.</p>
<p>As far as I know, last year about 350 students applied, and of those applicants about 150 were semifinalists who made it to the interview. That might not be the case this year, however, because I know that now schools are only allowed to nominate two students to apply as opposed to three. I’m pretty sure the essay topics vary slightly from year to year, but I can imagine that the essence of them are the same - they want to get a sense of who you are, how you act in an academic environment, your intellectual interests, and what you can contribute to the program. My advice would be to work hard on your essays so that those reading your application will understand why you want to de NJSP and what kind of perspective you will bring.</p>
<p>Good luck applying! And feel free to ask more questions.</p>
<p>Be engaging in the interview, no matter what the discussion prompt is. In the past, the prompts have been about the programs theme that summer (this year is immigration). But other times, the interviewer throws his coat on the table, and asks, “If the information about how and when you will die was under my coat, would you look?” It varies. Just have fun with it, and don’t obsess over controlling the conversation. Let other people talk, but be sure to get your word in.</p>
<p>By the way, I did the program last year with 12gabster, and we had loads of fun!</p>
<p>I was a scholar last year, and I can tell you that the most important thing you can do during the interview is voice your opinions. But remember to be polite and not interrupt anyone, because the program is based on discussion, so they want people who can do that without making it hard for others. Also make sure you’re being reasonable and logical… </p>
<p>And find yourself a nickname with a #</p>
<p>Does anyone know when they inform selected semi-finalists for NJ Scholars? Do they inform those who are not selected for the interview as well?</p>
<p>This week and yes.</p>
<p>I received my letter today!! I made it through to the next stage! So excited!!!</p>
<p>im so anxious to hear back about whether or not i made it into the program! my group was amazing; we had an awesome discussion and 4 out of the 5 of us talked the entire time but no one dominated or overly-controlled the conversation. Also we had Mr. Sauerman and the woman who’s husband founded the program leading our discussion (sorry i cant remember her name) so hopefully that helped; maybe it wont but you never know! The discussion was sooooooooooooooo much fun and being there made me really want to be a part of the program! Has anyone heard back yet? I know Mr. Sauerman said we would hear by Thursday but I have already heard of one person who has gotten in (they are a girl, does that have any bearing on my chances - im a boy - is there no set number of boys and girls or is it a 50/50 split?) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so nervous, i really want to get in!!!</p>
<p>Helpmeeout, how did that person you know hear already? Did they already receive his/her letter?</p>
<p>@alanaped i heard from another student at my school (who applied but didnt make the semi-finalist round) that the daughter of her mom’s coworker got her acceptance letter… but that’s so early to hear</p>
<p>btw, when was your interview/tour? how do you think it went?</p>
<p>Friday, March 23. My group was pretty good. None of us interrupted each other. We took turns and all contributed and had a great time (we even laughed!). Mr. Sauerman and that lady also proctored my discussion. I really had no idea what to talk about for the Republican primary, so I took a literary approach to it through Catch-22 and The Great Gatsby mixed with governmental and philosophical aspects (English is my strong point). However, I’m not sure if I strayed too far from the topic or if my group was passionate enough for any of us to go through. How was your interview? Did you get the same topic? I’m dying to find out too you’re not alone!</p>
<p>Also, does she live closer to the school? Maybe that’s why.</p>
<p>I’m so glad you responded to my post haha, i had been reading previous year’s threads and they all had sooooo many responses unlike this one.</p>
<p>My interview was really good, all of us spoke a lot except for this one girl who you could tell was really nervous. I feel like we had the same topic because our’s started off about the primary then about romney’s potential running mate, then education reform and how teachers should be paid, and who our most influential/favorite teacher was. I used a teacher that both mr sauerman and the other woman knew personally and are friends with, i hope that helped (praying it didnt reflect poorly on me). I feel like my group was one of those groups were everyone (besides the one girl) could have gotten in so im praying that happens. We all clearly enjoyed ourselves during it and grew from each other’s ideas. I had my tour at 9 am on saturday, so im hoping we had a great early morning impression. </p>
<p>Also, the njsp’er from last year who sat in on our interview was one of the ones who had led my tour (and there were only four of us on our tour) and i think i was engaging enough and active enough during the tour to have given a good impression so im hoping he put in a good word too haha!</p>
<p>Where in NJ are you from? Hopefully we both get in so we can get to know each other this summer!!! the program seems absolutely amazing!</p>
<p>and i know its not location to the school, i can guarantee i live the closest, i live less than 5 minutes from the prep school… i think the girl was from bridge-water raratin</p>
<p>Wow I wonder if all of the acceptances went out today
I know how you feel I’ve been trolling the forums myself. I’m in Essex. I had a 2:15 tour, the last one of the day, so I felt that a lot of the students were chatty and didn’t really pay attention to the tour. I asked my guide a lot of questions, plus I got there an hour earlier than my tour group and got to talk with Mr. Saurman and Mrs. Southerland (I think?) for an hour before my tour. It worked out for me because I felt more comfortable and outgoing since I got a feel for the setting and people organizing the program, whereas other kids were timid and shy at first. I recently sent a thank you note, but I would have done that regardless of whether or not I make the program. In my interview, Mr. Sauerman built upon one of my points, so I’m hoping that helped in his decision! I think my approach was unique enough because it was just naturally how I felt toward the topic. We did not digress into education, but we did talk about philosophy, India, China, etc. Good luck I hope we both make it (fingers crossed!)!</p>
<p>sounds like you made a really strong connection with them, i bet that extra hour definitely will make a difference and from what it sounds like you have a good shot at having been accepted! im praying we get the letters tomorrow, the suspense is killing me, i have not stopped thinking about njsp since saturday (is that bad? haha)</p>
<p>I’m hoping so! I don’t have a back-up plan either so it’s all or nothing! Maybe we’ll get lucky tomorrow if that girl from Bridgewater already got hers.</p>
<p>im having my dad text me when he gets the mail tomorrow whether i get a letter or not, those few hours in between are going to be intense if it comes tomorrow</p>
<p>I’m a no how about you, helpmeeout?</p>