<p>My school had 95% of its state aid cut, about 4.6 million. There's a BOE meeting this evening that I'm going to where they'll decide which programs to cut. ALL clubs and sports are vulnerable, including the entire foreign language dept. Some of my teachers have said that in addition to cutting all non-core classes, the administration might have to cancel late buses, AP exam waivers (our district normally pays for our exams), and art/drama funding altogether. It's very depressing, especially considering that going into my senior year all the things that I've invested time and energy into are going to be cancelled cause the district is broke.</p>
<p>I know my district isn't the only one, so for all the other NJ'ers on here, how has your school been impacted and if it has lost funding, how will it make up for it?</p>
<p>I'm going to the BOE meeting... I'll post what goes down.</p>
<p>our district lost like 23% of its funding. some teachers will be laid off, they’ll only pay for half of the trip to some academic competitions instead of all of it… eh. I know they needed to do something, but there are still a ton of overpaid government employees and other waste to cut first- like Christie’s personal twitterer.</p>
<p>I don’t know exactly how much my district lost so far. All I know is that most of the schools in my county are laying off approximately 100+ teachers/district. I would like to scream to the tax payers of our state *** is wrong with them for voting for christie in the first place. They knew this was coming, and now they will face the consequence of paying practically the max. property taxes just so our schools can survive.</p>
<p>My school is contemplating cutting ALL extracurriculars and sports. The district will be firing around 40 teachers, which is so frustrating when there are so many awful teachers with tenure who are safe, but excellent new teachers who will get fired. I believe we lost something like $3 million in aid… it’s awful.</p>
<p>We lost all funding - a lot of the newer teachers without tenure are nervous. </p>
<p>This is ridiculous. I was okay when Christie said that we needed to make sacrifices in these economic times, but offering tax cuts to the wealthiest of New Jersey while massively cutting back education funding!? Seriously?!</p>
<p>55% cut, I think it’s close to $10 million. We’re in tier four of the budget. Here’s what we have that I remember…</p>
<p>-All intermediate/middle school clubs, activities, transportation canceled.
-Latin & Chinese cut at the middle school (yet Italian, Spanish, German, & French are kept)
-Freshman sports cut possibly, pay to play for JV/Varsity
-Substitutes (don’t know if they’re cut completely or just paid significantly less)
-Whole custodial staff laid off
-My Latin teacher’s getting laid off, since the middle school teacher also teaches at the HS
-Winter track & ice hockey cut at HS
-All electives (or a majority of them) cut, which means Calc 3/Diff Eq is in jeopardy I believe
-35-40 kids per class
-8 periods per day (we usually have 9)
-Science lab periods are cut (regular classes had a lab out of gym once a week, AP Bio/Chem/both Physics had study halls for labs twice a week)</p>
<p>And we don’t even know what tier four is about.</p>
<p>the BOE meeting was tense as hell. The board presented a plan that porposed an intense property tax hike but kept intact <em>most</em> of the programs in place already. If the plan fails, all programs are dead. The first to go are ALL ap classes, which would be DEVASTATING to those of us who actually give a crap about school.</p>
<p>Theres a budding movement among the students involved in extra school programs to register voters and pass the budget. I really hope things work out. We’re holding voter registration for 18 year old students tomorrow.</p>
<p>and I’m from Middlesex County… my school’s the second highest deduction in the county. I think West-Windsor Plainsboro (different county) was hit even worse… something like 7 million. </p>
<p>what’s worse at my district is that there’s a new high school being built right now to replace the ancient, overcrowded one that we’re in right now. While it won’t be ready in time for my class to use it, it looks extremely likely according to the board that its completion will be set back a couple more years. It was supposed to be open to us last year.</p>
<p>I sincerely hope, in the name of educational integrity, that schools cancel all athletics before they even touch an elective at the level of differential equations.</p>
<p>My school (Northern Highlands in Allendale, top 10 in the state) Lost all of our state/federal funding. About 1.5 million lost. what I’ve heard is that each department is cutting at least one, usually two and sometimes three teachers, and that one of the things that makes our school great, our low class sizes, will be ruined, and each class next year will have about 30 kids.</p>
<p>It truly is ridiculous. I understand that he wants teachers/unions to stop getting a bigger salary, but cutting this much money is not how this should be done. And on top of that he’s not even going to give some help by taxing the rich. Their children goes to our schools too! </p>
<p>By the way nritya, I’m from Middlesex too! Whoo!(?) :)</p>
<p>My school’s getting rid of all clubs, all non-tenured teachers, and some classes; yet all the sports teams will remain :/. Luckily I’m a senior.</p>
<p>For those of you interested, science league might also be cut. Under the budget cuts, many schools, including mine, are unwilling to provide the after school buses for transporting to the host schools. =(</p>
<p>We got 100% of our state aid cut. Lucky for us they are only cutting clubs and low-popularity electives. And of course a few teacher cuts. Our science leagues are most likely being cut. We have severly overpaid teachers, and the town is very unhappy with the fact our HUGE budget mainly goes towards teacher salaries, so the new budget will most likely be voted down. Our marching band’s competitions are also likely to be cut.</p>