New sisweb

<p>Nice! Did it change on MyUCDavis? Because I checked my sisweb and my WL position for chem2a is now “0.” Is this a glitch? Because I called the registar today and they said they’re fixing the site still. But that was like 6 hours ago. Does it mean I’m in the class now? Says it’s still 2nd on my UCDavis page though. I’d really like to believe sisweb though hahah =D How many places did you go up?</p>

<p>you must be in! my friend’s position is 0 also, and he’s registered in the class!</p>

<p>Lucky! I’m still 2nd on both sisweb and myucdavis. What is the crn of your chem class?</p>

<li>You? </li>

<p>Lovefliesx3, how does your friend know he’s registered in his class? I still have a “0” and I’m still waitlisted. You think sisweb is more accurate than the MyUCDavis website?</p>

<p>How come SISWEB wont let us see the amount of people on the waitlist anymore? I’ve been trying to get the best spot on a waitlist for Pass 2 and it seems like I just have to guess and hope that I’m on the shortest list…</p>

<p>Am I missing something, or did UCDavis remove that from SISWEB?</p>