New sisweb

<p>What has changed? The only new change I can see is that the waitlisting position is not shown anymore! nooo. Is there another way to check?</p>

<p>same here … : ( hopefully we all moved up drastically HAHA</p>

<p>I don’t think they changed because no one could drop classes from Sep 3-6 XD</p>

<p>oh right! hahaha!!</p>

<p>now you have to log in through myadmissions or w/e to get to sisweb…i think…</p>

<p>the most obvious change, i think, is the fact that you no longer have to log in multiple times (with both your username and ID number). </p>

<p>I was really hoping for more of a change. Sisweb looks and feels really outdated and is not easy to use compared to other systems, such as the Tritonlink registration system at UCSD.</p>

<p>Nothing really even changed. Everything was minor. I don’t understand why it took a whole weekend to make such small tweaks. But they took away the WL position indicator. That sucks the most! I hate you SISWEB!</p>

<p>haha, go to, under the Classes box, (NOT the little link above) there will be “change term” upper right hand side
click that, and select fall quarter 2010, you will see your waitlist position : )</p>

<p>Oh okay. Thank you! Too bad my waitlist position didn’t budge! Did you see any changes?</p>

<p>no change for me either… : ( let’s put our hopes for the morrow</p>

<p>is 6th a good spot to be?</p>

<p>depends on which class you are waitlisting for, for chem2A, the usual drop out rate is 10+ people, according to enderle’s site</p>

<p>^But isn’t that the number of people who drop out from ALL of his sections? It doesn’t make sense that 10 people would drop from a section of 24.</p>

<p>They added back in the waitlist position.</p>

<p>WOW. On the MyUCDavis site, it says I’m number 2 on the WL for chem 2a. On sisweb it says im #3. WHICH DO I BELIEVE?! hopefully this is a glitch or I’m gonna be super angry because I for some reason dropped on the WL.</p>

<p>Maybe the class is open for registration and it did not bump you up on the list yet?
You know what I mean? :]</p>

<p>hey, the same thing is happening to me too…</p>

<p>How did you position on the WL change, lovefliesx3?</p>

<p>on sis i’m 6th and on myucd i’m 5th</p>

<p>on sisweb i’m 3rd and on myucd i’m 2nd</p>

<p>i went up on my waiting list!!!</p>