New Student Confrence Registration

<p>I cant register today, I'm guessing the registration will open on Monday? Anyone know for sure?</p>

<p>FYI: I found it on the opening logon page of the applicant site. Registration opens at 8am on February 2nd…</p>

<p>Your like me, klparker312, a mom who’s an Aggie who can’t wait until her child’s acceptance as an Aggie is completely official! This is so great!</p>

<p>Yes I am!.. I will get her registration done in the morning.<br>
One question on the application under “other involvement with A&M” she wrote…
“Having 2 Aggies as parents, I have been involved with A&M since birth… I received a Howdy Bib.”
We have always told her “You can go anywhere you want to go to College. We will pay for it at A&M” That was a half-truth joke, but I’m glad she is honored and excited to be in the Class of '13</p>

<p>Oh, and on the TAMU web site there is a blurb about being 26,007 applicants for about 8100 spots at A&M this year. That would be less than 1 in 3 (31.14%) acceptance rate at A&M for the class of '13. </p>

<p>Another blurb about the College of Architecture being one of the Best in the Nation…
I’m so excited my daughter was accepted!
“The Master of Architecture program at Texas A&M University ranks fifth nationally among public universities in the 2009 edition of “America’s Best Architecture & Design Schools,” a list compiled annually by the Design Futures Council, publishers of the bi-monthly Design Intelligence newsletter.”</p>

<p>And another blurb about Mays College of business
“According to newly released rankings from Financial Times, the MBA program at Texas A&M University’s Mays Business School is on the rise in the nation and the world. In 2009, the program is listed at 11th in the nation for public institutions. When ranked against all U.S. schools, it is tied for 1st place in placement and ranked 2nd in the value for money category.”</p>

<li>wow. all my hope went straight down the drain :[</li>

<p>New Student Registration opened as promised today. My son is now “officially” registered. Whoop!</p>

<p>lexii09, don’t be discouraged by those numbers of 26,000 applicants versus 8100 freshmen admits. A&M initially offers about 11,000 letters of acceptance which includes all the automatic admits. Of that number, about 60% actually commit to A&M since many students apply to multiple colleges and choose to go elsewhere. Then A&M goes to the wait list to fill up their 8100 quota. On top of that, there are the Blinn Team options as well. So, in the end, there are a lot more than 31% of total applicants who actually receive acceptance or deferred acceptance to A&M.</p>

<p>gxgal7 - got my daughter registered too. I could not get on-line until about 8:15. The site was not available when I first logged on and then when I was able to log on, the first session was already full - and 12 slots left in second session. I got my little aggie registered in session 2.<br>
Are you planning on going gxgal7? What session did you get your son into?<br>
It makes me a little sad because I know there are students that do not have parental support to do these task for them, and how could a kid register for this when they are still in High School?</p>

<p>I can’t register right away. :(</p>

<p>I still have to work out how I am going to attend this. I currently live in Ohio and won’t be down in College Station until late August. Any other out-of-staters have the same issue?</p>

<p>I know it’s hard but you really need to go as early as possible. You register for classes on the last day of the conference. The people who go to the late sessions usually don’t get the classes they want because they are already filled up.</p>

<p>klparker312, I was in the same position. Took me until 8:15 am central time (we’re in pacific time) to get on, and I was shocked how many spots had already been taken since it had just opened. A lot of excited Aggies-to-be I guess. My son is signed up for the June 18-19 session. He doesn’t even graduate until June 13th, so that’s the soonest we could get out there. I’m looking forward to the orientation as much as he is. Just the idea that 30 years ago I was sitting there as an incoming student at my own orientation, and now I’ll be there as a parent is very cool.</p>

<p>Z4CHH- You will have to sign-up for an earlier session than August. There is only one session that month and it is during FOW for the Corps, so you don’t want to conflict with that. It looks like spots will fill up quickly.</p>

<p>gsgal7… if you were there 30 years ago… so was I :)</p>

<p>Don’t worry about open slots. They open up a certain number of slots for each conference. So it is possible to have no spaces left in a class if you are in the first conference, but then when it is time for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. conferences, they open up more slots in the class so the later registrants have an equal opportunity. I went to a later conference and had no trouble getting in any of the classes I needed. I think the new slots opened up at 1:15 or something like that. We couldn’t register until after that.</p>

<p>Sho I registered for the June 16th date. I have a question about the New Student Conference. My friend was talking about living in a dorm during the New Student Conference. Is this true for incomming freshmen? My dad reserved a hotel, but I was just curious if I am supposed to live on campus during this. </p>

<p>So, we’re signing up for classes and that’s about it? I’m excited :-)</p>


<p>june 16th-17th… lets get the show on the road =]</p>



<p>Yes, A&M lets people stay in dorms for it. Not sure how much it costs, but its probably cheaper than hotels. If both of your parents are coming, probably best anyways to get a hotel (more room). But no, it’s not expected that you stay in a dorm. I stayed in a hotel, by myself, two years back for it.</p>

<p>How long does the conference last for - 2 days?</p>

<p>according to the brochure, the New Student Confrence starts “early” on the 1st day and we should expect that the last event could be at 6pm the 2nd day. The dorms are $20 for one, $35 for two and you can get the two room suites for $50.</p>

<p>My son was accepted, but has not decided where he will go yet. It looks to me like he can’t register for a new student conference until after he accepts. Is that the case?</p>

<p>chaoswithinthed- Yes, you do have the option of staying on campus during your orientation. Your father can stay with you as well. They use the Commons and a modular dorm on southside I believe. I haven’t been able to find how you reserve a room yet though.</p>