New Ticket Donation Deadline

<p>I’m sure this is old news to some of you, but I just checked to read the rules about ticket donations and penalties and found that son should have donated his ticket on Wednesday to not receive a penalty. I’m sure he still thinks it’s Friday, as he did donate his ticket this afternoon. </p>

<p>I’ll have to remind him for next game that if he doesn’t think he’ll go, he needs to donate it by Wednesday to not receive a penalty.</p>

<p>At least, this way, he’ll only receive a half point penalty.</p>

<p>Just a “friendly reminder” to those of you who didn’t read the new rules, either.</p>

<p>Hope there will be a happy student who gets his donated ticket!</p>

<p>My son is a senior, and is probably not concerned about the penalties, though I told him to donate his tickets if he knows he’s not going to use them, even if he gets a late penalty. </p>

<p>Since he’s graduating, he’s not worrying about not being able to buy tickets next year, but I believe penalties prevent you from buying postseason tickets.</p>

<p>What games would those be, and where would they likely be played?</p>

<p>We live in NOLA, and we host some championship games, so it would be great for him to get tickets to a postseason game for his final year, so I want to make sure he doesn’t exceed his penalty points.</p>

<p>Can you msg me about your sons tickets, I can’t figure out how to do it on the new app. </p>



<p>I saw an email in his crimson account that he had donated it. But if you go to my bama you’ll see the my tickets icon which I clicked on and read the new rules. His donated ticket went into the donated pool and whoever is on that list will get his ticket. I don’t know how they assign the donated tickets. Son has transferred his ticket in the past when a friend has asked for it but I don’t know how that’s done. Probably info in that my ticket. Site. I don’t know if it’s too late to do a ticket transfer</p>

<p>Montegut, did your son get a penalty for the late donation? Mine missed the Wednesday deadline last week but did not get an email telling him he’d been assessed any penalty. Not sure if they didn’t send the email or didn’t penalize him.</p>

<p>I don’t know how to check if he got a penalty. Do they normally send an email? If so, I don’t think he got one. </p>

<p>Son has not donated his Ole Miss ticket yet, so if he doesn’t go to the game, he’ll get another penalty. I’ll be sure to have him donate it if he decides not to go.</p>

<p>These past two weeks have been the big slew of tests, papers, projects, so I’m hoping he’ll go for some diversion this weekend. If only to see the band.</p>

<p>The ticket rules online say they will get an email telling them they have received a penalty point. Last year when my son upgraded a ticket, he did get such an email. He did not get one for last weekend, at least not so far that I know of. </p>

<p>If your son transfers his ticket directly to another student, there are no penalties. I know there were CCers hoping their student got a ticket. There is also a FB group where students are selling their tickets for transfer. So if winds up not going, there are ways to not receive the penalty.</p>

<p>When is the latest they can do a ticket transfer?</p>

<p>^ Beginning of halftime</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Really, no penalty for transfer, even if it’s done after Wednesday? I’ll see if son plans on going to the game or not, and if not, I’ll see if he can transfer his ticket. I assume he would need the CWID number of the student he’s transferring to. I think he’ll know how to do it. He transferred his Iron Bowl ticket freshman year to a friend, since he wanted to come home for Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Yes, really no penalty for donation – at least according to the official document. You don’t need CWID, you need MyBama email and full name of student as it appears officially (I think, son did his so I’m not 100% sure). If you click on transfer ticket it will tell you what you need to enter.</p>

<p>Son does not have student ticket for tomorrow’s game. He put in a request for one at his earliest opportunity, last Sunday I think. What are his chances of getting a student ticket? We’re new to this process.</p>

<p>My son told me this morning he’s going to the game with his friends. I am so thrilled! I wish I could help some of y’all out with a donation. </p>

<p>He’s had a rough two weeks, so I’m glad he’s going to blow off some steam.</p>

<p>Of course, he knows the alternative is studying for the GRE this Friday. I’m no fool.</p>

<p>My DS and one of his roommates were able to buy tickets from 2 other UA students who had decided not to attend. Paid just a tad over face value so that worked out well.</p>

<p>If anyone has an upper level student section ticket pm me, s hasn’t had any luck getting one yet…</p>

<p>What are face value for the tickets? I guess it depends on the game but son has full game package so we paid one price for all together.</p>

<p>Son got one on fb page for $65, a little much, but well worth it I would say. Beautiful night for a game, roll tide!!</p>

<p>Just found a deleted email that son did receive a half point penalty for donating his Parent Weekend game ticket after the Wednesday deadline, so they are enforcing the new deadline rule.</p>

<p>I also saw an email come across that he has already donated his ticket for this week’s game, so sorry to those who were looking for a transfer. I just pay for the tickets. I don’t tell him what to do with them.</p>

<p>When do students that are in the lottery find out that they got a ticket?
I know that they can hear up to halftime but I would hate for her to buy a ticket this week and get a call afterwards. (And that DOES sound like something would happen to her)
I know that it was less than 3 minutes on Sunday that she got in the lottery.
Also, since she is a freshman could she sit in the lower bowl or will they match her only with an upper bowl donation?
Thank you for the info.</p>

<p>My S found out he got a ticket for the Ole Miss game at around 1 pm on Saturday. Two of his friends found out after him, not sure how much longer but well before game time. All three tickets were lower bowl (they are all freshmen).</p>