<p>I'm going to be starting Junior year in 4 days. I have taken the ACT four times, most recently was as follows: Composite-26
My goal is to make a 28. I do not feel like I have learned much from the last test and the next one is coming up in less than 6 weeks. Here are some questions...</p>
<li><p>Does having a graphing calculator help?</p></li>
<li><p>What material should I practice on to improve my score (i.e. specific name brand test booklets)?</p></li>
<li><p>Should I also take the SAT?
ALL advice appreciated!
Thanks All in Advance!!!</p></li>
<li><p>Yes, but more importantly, a graphing calculator you know how to use well. </p></li>
<li><p>If you haven’t already, buy the Real ACT Prep book (known as the red book on College Confidential.) It is a prep book made by the makers of the ACT that includes 3 practice tests.</p></li>
<p>I would also recommend you buy Princeton Review’s Cracking the ACT book. It includes 2 practice tests in the book and one online. This book reviews a lot of the material covered on the ACT and gives strategies that can really help.</p>
<p>I think that if you spend enough time, 4 weeks is plenty of time for preparation, unless there is a significant gap in knowledge–such as no Algebra II class taken, etc. I had about 4 weeks to study, so I took two practice test sections every day (English+Reading) (Math+Science.) I would take a practice test, grade it, review answers I got both right and wrong, and learn why I missed certain problems. Then I would review in the Princeton Review book.</p>
<p>Strategy plays a big part in the ACT, especially because of the time restraints. When I went into the first ACT, I hadn’t studied much at all and my strategies weren’t solid. I even switched my strategy half way through the English test. Learn from that and figure out strategies that work for you–remember, one good strategy for one person may be a horrible strategy for another, so test it out.</p>
<li>Some people do better on the ACT, others do better on the SAT. I have only taken the ACT, but I like how the exam tries to test what you’ve learned in High School, not however many vocab words you can learn and how good of a test-taker you are. I wouldn’t, but it is completely up to you.</li>
<p>Thanks for your quick response. I just bought my TI-84 Silver Edition and I am learning via youtube how to use it. I have taken Alg II, am taking Pre-Cal this year. ALL other responses greatly appreciated!!!</p>
<p>Does anyone else have any suggestions?</p>