News Anchor major?

<p>i would like to be a news anchor however i dont not know about majoring in broadcast journalism considering one of the colleges i will most likely be going to does not offer thing such a major so i was wondering if i major in something else like communications would work as well</p>

Under the comm school you can focus on different things (PR, Film etc) broadcast journalism is one of the (or should be).</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as you. I wan to be a news anchor, so I plan on going to a school with journalism of comm, and then i’ll do a focus on broadcast.</p>

<p>But make sure to ask!
One school I loved had a journalism major, then I aksed if I could see their broadcast studio and then they said “we only offer print and web”. This is not stuff that they put on their site, you need to ask, so make sure to do that!!!</p>

<p>One of the good things about broadcast journalism is very rarely do news directors care where you went to school/what you majored in. Breaking into TV news is more about having a strong resume tape that shows your reporting/anchoring skills than anything else. So major in whatever you want, get involved in your campus television station/land an internship at a local news station and work on making your tape the best it can possibly be.</p>

<p>Another thing… Even though you want to be an anchor, know that you’re going to most likely have to hone your skills as a reporter for at least a couple of years before getting an anchor position.</p>