Newspaper vs AP Physics 1?

<p>I'm conflicted between joining the newspaper and taking a second science class. I'm currently a sophomore, interested in a BS/MD medical program. My classes next year are:</p>

<p>AP Biology
AP Calculus BC
Digital Electronics Honors
Spanish 3-4 Accelerated
Sophomore Accelerated English</p>

<p>If I join newspaper, I will be guaranteed an editor spot by junior year. However, the class is very little work, and I'd have to take it for three years. Physics on the other hand, I'm scared I can't handle. At the same time, it's supposedly a very easy new class. However, seeing as I'll be taking 5-6 AP classes as a junior, I was thinking maybe taking physics would prepare me? At the same time, newspaper might help me stand out in a a math/science crowd?</p>

<p>do newspaper. You can always do physics next year</p>