<p>Have any of you heard of this program? How selective is it? Is it any good?</p>
<p>I just got accepted into it, but I have to tell them whether I want to do it by the 28th of this month... The thing is I'm still waiting for my MITES decisions... (Along with several others)</p>
<p>I dunno, it seems pretty selective, especially considering the fact that we probably got in on the second bounce. Notifications started going out out on the 12th and those people had to confirm or deny by the 19th. We got in on the 21st so… most likely second stringers haha.</p>
<p>Anyway, it seems pretty cool! I wish I had known about this in my junior year. I went to a different summer program at MIT last year and I’ve met a few people who did MITES, so I’ll just tell you that you probably shouldn’t pass it up for this if you get it. It’s an amazing experience that you can only do for one summer and one summer only while it’s definitely possible to do this program in the summer of your senior year… the summer that there are essentially no programs to apply to…</p>
<p>But your problem is that you need to confirm by next week and you haven’t heard from other programs yet… This may not be the soundest advice so take it with a grain of salt: I have heard that MITES and other programs sometimes give early decisions when you absolutely need them. If you tell them you have a deadline, they might be able to give you your decision in time. However, I have never heard of anyone getting in off of one of these phone calls, so it’s possible that they just tell you you’re rejected if you really need a decision.</p>
<p>Well, I wish you the best of luck. I wouldn’t pass up this program without thinking though. You get to do research… this will help you on your apps. You could also probably snag a rec from your mentor.</p>