<p>i got into sciences</p>
<p>Sciences :)</p>
<p>gahh, still no email from visual arts. If anyone else who applied there gets a response please let me know. :S</p>
<p>International relations...should be emailed around 5:30 PM EST on 4/10/08 according to the director.</p>
<p>budget cuts suckk...</p>
<p>I'm in for International Studies!</p>
<p>yeah they do lol</p>
<p>I didn't even get to apply btw. My school wouldn't let me <em>dies</em>
Better go tell my friends to check their emails!</p>
<p>So I totally wasn't even expecting to get in but I just got an acceptance letter from Public Issues. :)</p>
<p>didnt get into engineering :(</p>
<p>anyone hear from environmental? I didn't get a letter yet =(</p>
<p>rejected from arts. =/</p>
<p>Alluringcliche, did u get your letter in the mail or also in your email. Just asking because I haven't received anything yet. (Applied to public issues).</p>
<p>Just a message to everyone in environmental.</p>
<p>Did you guys get emails regarding if you were a finalist or not as well? Because I've been kept in the dark since day 1 :(</p>
<p>Yeah, I also applied to Environmental Studies and have not heard anything since the very beginning...</p>
<p>Oh my god PhoenixSlayer, you just made my night.... almost</p>
<p>My friend (who also applied for Environmental) and I were panicking and wondering if our apps were lost or something in the process. Every one of the other sciences were informed cept us :/</p>
Alluringcliche, did u get your letter in the mail or also in your email. Just asking because I haven't received anything yet. (Applied to public issues).
<p>In the mail, so it's very likely it will arrive over the next couple of days, depending on where you live.</p>
<p>Scratch that. Got a letter at home today, I'm in. =)</p>
<p>How do you think they based acceptances on for International Studies?</p>
<p>Not sure. Obviously grades and SAT scores are factored in, but it seems to me that the two most important aspects are your essays and teacher recommendations.</p>