NMF Presidential Scholarship Coverage (Overload Hours)

<p>The UA website says that the Presidential scholarship covers out-of-state tuition. I will be taking 18 hours the Fall 2012 semester, so I was wondering if the scholarship will cover the two overload hours (above 16)? </p>

<p>I know that the housing scholarship will change depending on the dorm you are in (the UA website says the housing scholarship is equivalent to “the largest room option in a particular dorm”). Will the tuition scholarship also adjust to cover all tuition, or will it only cover up to the normal 16 hours?</p>

<p>I am taking Honors Year One, but if I have to pay the $970/hr overload fee, I will drop that class immediately.</p>

<p>You should be able to take up to 20 credit hours. My D is signed up for 18 credits (Presidential) and we aren’t expecting any overload fees.</p>

<p>What is Honors year one?</p>

<p>My daughter took 18 hours both semesters last year with no additional charges.</p>

<p>Those with the Presidential scholarship (and that includes NMFs/NAs), do not get charged for additional hours as long as they have 20 or less credits per semester.</p>