<p>Hi, I really want to get in NMH! but I am not sure if i'm able to get in to the school with only a 1800 ssat score...
what do you think?
and yes, i play sports, instruments and involved in different clubs and community service</p>
<p>check [Boarding</a> School Review - College-Prep & Jr. Boarding Schools](<a href=“http://www.boardingschoolreview.com%5DBoarding”>http://www.boardingschoolreview.com) for their average score.
i think you still have a good chance.
Its my #1 choice too! </p>
<p>hey guys whats w/ the influx of NMH threads?</p>
<p>Yeah I noticed that too…so many people have new threads.</p>
<p>What percentile is an 1880?</p>
<p>It should say so on the SSAT score sheet.</p>
<p>I was asking ladyluck. We don’t have an SSAT score sheet as my son took the test three years ago and the percentiles vary by test date.</p>
<p>it was about 30 percentile :
horrbile score.
i’m going to retake it on january though and i’m not gonna send this score to the school.
but keylyme, what is the minimum of ssat scores for nmh?
my interview told me theres none but i doubt there is.</p>
<p>Most schools like (not saying that is a minimum) 80%tile or above.</p>
<p>There isn’t a minimum as far as I know, but I would try to get it to 60 or above. It is probably the least important factor in admissions.</p>
<p>on bsr it says about 65% is their average score.</p>
<p>hey rad, how’d you study for the verbal part?
last time i studied about 1000 words but non shown up - -</p>
<p>well other than the fact that I naturally have a reservoir of random words (not bragging) you could use [url=<a href=“http://www.freerice.com%5DFreeRice%5B/url”>http://www.freerice.com]FreeRice[/url</a>]</p>
<p>Read, read, read.</p>
<p>ladyluck223, omg you’re scaring me because I’m cramming like hell. Imagining none of the words I learned shows up :-/</p>
<p>BTW, which source did you study from for the verbal section last time? As in vocabulary?</p>