NMS cutoff predictions for class of 2018

GCs are allowed to give them out as of today.

Interestingly, when I checked Naviance my daughter’s score was not there, but there was a change that was a little disappointing.
For all colleges the graphs are completely GONE!
I hope that that is not a permanent change because it was very helpful in having a realistic perspective.
Anyone else notice this?

We have Naviance and it isn’t posted there. Last year’s scores aren’t posted either so I doubt they will have this year’s scores loaded into the system

Thank you @mathmomvt

No score on Naviance for us yet but I did send DS an email asking him to ask his GC about scores though I know they won’t give it to him. Hope the school doesn’t check my log in record for Naviance today or they might report me to CPS for being a crazy overly obsessive parent!

To address my own question, it looks like the cutoffs in most states did go up, many by a fair bit consistent with indices being higher than concordance scores, at least in the range of NMSF cutoff scores. Vermont’s cutoff only went up by 1 point, but others went up by as much as 9 (and some went down by as much as 3). The Commended score went up by 7 between the two scoring methods. So I think that current indices are probably truly a little higher than prior format scores, and Vermont being a low-population state, our curve tends to vary a bit more than larger states’ each year (making it harder to predict cutoffs year to year, of course). It will be interesting to see where Vermont ends up this year – I’d expect a jump.

My sympathies to all who are going crazy waiting for scores, though of course the waiting is just beginning since cutoffs won’t be known for such a long time. That is the one part of the process that drives me the most crazy – there’s no reason for such a huge delay!

Texas is already at 220 and I really can’t see it going up more than 2 points, honestly I think it would only be one point at most but if DS scores a 222 or higher it will be my early Christmas present. I don’t want to spend endless months “on the bubble”

S18 was told by GC that he scored “1500” on PSAT. Just given oral report and did not see his selection index or score breakdown. But must be at least a 220 right, because a 700 verbal and an 800 math would be 220 (70 x 2 =140, +80 =220)? Want to see the actual report of course but with a state cutoff last year of 216 it looks like he will be NMSF.

Congrats to your son, @vistajay !

I have no pony in this race, D21 took the PSAT 8/9. But she needs a good PSAT 8/9 to make the Academic Octathlon next year.
Wish all your kiddos high SI and excited to see how this plays out.

Congratulations @vistajay

Take my advice and do not try and concord anything. For this year, all you need to do is take you child’s SI and compare it to the cutoff from last year for your state. If you are +1 or +2 higher than last year’s SI, you should be feeling great. If you are = to last year’s (or one point lower), then you will be in limbo until September.

Actually am forgetting on PSAT the highest score in each section is a 760, but either way sounds like he got it. Want to see the actual score report but will have to wait for Dec 12. Best of luck to all!

Yes, congrats @vistajay! Your “on the safe side” method using higher math is exactly what I’d have done to take out worst case scenarios. 760 Math leaves a 740 EBRW. I’m sure you’ve calculated the 224. That’s just … brilliant work by your S18.

Great score @vistajay - congratulations! I’d agree that you can feel confident with that score! I’d venture to guess that his SI would even be higher than 220. Somewhere around 223-225 maybe???

For those who received scores on Naviance, where did you find them?

^^ should be about me, tab then scroll down to test scores

@vistajay your S18 is safely in the zone :slight_smile:

How do you calculate your score? I got a 1470 and I’m in California, would like to know how. Thanks :slight_smile: