NMS cutoff predictions for class of 2018

Edit to above post: posted the link to page 1.

If I understood it correctly, in a comment Art mentioned seeing a post here on CC. I wonder if he’s following this thread, and laughing at all our silliness. Hi Art! Love your work! WAY better than the Asian-bear-who-must-not-be-named.

Just went back through the CC threads from last year. NMSC mailed out on 8/23, and things really started to get crazy beginning on 8/27 - 4 days later, with a confirmed NMSF from IL. If this year’s timing is similar, there may not be anything in the mail before this Sat (8/26) and things will probably really get crazy come Monday when a whole bunch of mail arrives.

I’m smoking a barrel full of tri-tip* and chicken today, then school starts tomorrow so we’ll be kept comfortably busy for the next few days.

Saturday, though? Bring on the crazy!

*smoked tri-tip - goes down awfully nice with those top shelf Ledge margaritas :wink:

…and guac. =P~

In case y’all didn’t notice, Art posted an update at the top of the big thread. Nothing we haven’t already discussed here.

So do they students find out prior to the Sept. 13 announcement, under the condition they keep their lips zipped until the announcement? I cannot remember how this went down for 2015 daughter.

Some schools tell them, some don’t. It varies by school.

I know this isn’t a nice thing to do, but have students ever told lower cutoffs to get other students in the state’s hopes up that they got NMS?

it happened once that I can recall can’t remember if it was higher or lower score reported but clearly wrong and they were swiftly called out about it and publicly shamed

. . . to the extent that you can truly publicly shame an anonymous poster.

Auburn University up the road in AL has nice package for NM and is a GREAT college town!

I am in sweet home Alabama waiting patiently with my S at 217. LOL

All the University of Alabama sites and Mississippi State University offer full rides for NMF.

We’re right on the bubble with an SI at the expected cutoff in our state. We will let everyone know either way if it hasn’t already been reported here.

@amyandscott haha I’m in the same boat as you. I’m a Shelby County AL Student with a 217, so we’ll both be looking for the same cutoff! I’m thinking about going to Auburn, is that where your S wants to go?

Is there a ***Class of 2018 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores page yet? The one for last year was started on 8/25…

Sending positive vibes to everyone on the bubble! Boy, I remember that wild ride from Class of 2015.

Interestingly, it was a very helpful HS senior who posted the NMSF cut-off score for KS that year. I had been offline for a few hours when the news broke on the 2015 thread and I came back to a bazillion tagged posts and PMs. It never really occurred to me that the student might be fabricating the cut-off, but I did wonder if he was mistaken.

If I recall correctly, NMSC sends mail in bulk (or whatever way ensures slow delivery!), so I agree that it’s optimistic to think we’ll hear anything this week, unless some homeschoolers chime in.

Hoping to hear from someone in CT. My son has a 220 (our cutoff for last year) so we are not optimistic with the 2 point increase but Art says roughly a 30% chance of CT staying the same. Good Luck to everyone else, what a life changing moment for those students who get a free ride!

@deebmc , Welcome and sending positive vibes to CT for your son!

@deebmc - we have same situation in Pennsylvania! Sitting at 218 which was last year’s cut off! We’ll hang tough on the ledge together!