<p>I'm black(lol) and I need a good place where I can keep my do in at Dartmouth. Im thinking there wont be many black owned barbershops in rural NH, huh? Damn, bluirinka, can you braid my hair every couple of months or so, then?</p>
<p>Dartmouth has 6% black:</p>
<p>0.06 </p>
<p>Hmm...I read 8%</p>
<p>DMC...when I did my summer program..there was a kid in our house who could cut hair...quite well actually.</p>
<p>I read a Dartmouth Online article which reported that the college hired a black hair specialist to come to campus every few weeks..So the college is concerned about the issue.</p>
<p>At a recent SA Meeting, it was a big issue about having a barber on campus that the college has recently hired a barber to come to campus every few weeks.</p>
<p>*The Assembly almost unanimously passed a statement to support the hair-care initiative being pursued by the diversity affairs committee, which seeks to bring hair stylist James MacMillan to campus at least once a month to cut hair for black students. </p>
<p>"Most black people are not going to go to a Hanover barbershop to get their hair cut -- it's just not realistic," co-sponsor Jeffrey Coleman '08 said.</p>
<p>Local hair stylists lack the experience in handling black hair needs, the legislation's sponsors said. MacMillan has come to campus in the past and been well received.</p>
<p>Assembly members hope to bring MacMillan up more often, secure equipment and reserve a room for him to provide services in either the Collis Center or Robinson Hall.</p>
<p>Dawn Hemphill, assistant dean of student life and advisor to black students, has been working with the Assembly on the project.</p>
<p>"[We're] just working on providing services somewhere in Hanover, because we find that the local barbers are not necessarily practiced in cutting black men's hair," Hemphill said. </p>
<p>A working agreement is already in place between the College and Hilde's salon downtown to provide services for women. </p>
<p>According to Hemphill, the owner of Hilde's basically decided to hire two stylists last year to provide services for between 10 and 12 black women each month.
According to Hebert, the Assembly's meeting was held in Cutter-Shabazz, which houses the College's Afro-American Society and the academic affinity program for African and African-American Studies, to engage in a dialogue on relevant issues and recruit new Assembly members. </p>
<p>"These outreach meetings can be targeted to any group on campus that has needs SA could address," Hebert said, mentioning athletes and Greek house members as groups to potentially engage in the future. </p>
<p>A formal position in the Assembly is reserved for each campus organization so it can send an official representative to the Assembly, but according to Hebert, few campus groups take the Assembly up on its offer.</p>
<p>After attending her first Assembly meeting, Tiffany Redding '05 said she will become the organization representative for the Afro-American Society. </p>
<p>"I definitely think that had a big impact on the black students that decided to come out," Redding said. "Had it never been here I would've never come to a Student Assembly meeting."</p>
<p>Redding expects other campus groups would be responsive if the Assembly also focused on them, inviting those "who normally don't get involved in Student Assembly to experience it in their own space, where they feel comfortable," she said.</p>
<p>The Assembly plans to hold one meeting each term at a different location, where they will target the needs of groups that are underrepresented on the Assembly, Hebert said.</p>
<p>"It would help us a lot to enact better programs," Hebert said.</p>
<p>I was just looking for that article...I was waiting for you to weigh in syybie.
You are my heroine.</p>
<p>The reason that I remembered it is that my daughter called home to tell me that she as going to the meeting which actually had a good turnout. Since attending she has decided that she wants to be come a voting memeber on the SA and sit on the committees for student life, diversity and religion.</p>
<p>wait, DMC, do you think i'm black? lol I'm the whitest of white Russian Jewish girls. I can make french braids on myself though...</p>
<p>And THANK YOU for believing I'll be there next year! seriously.</p>
<p>This reminds me of a conversation I once had with the only 100% black kid in our grade...but actually, I shouldn't post it here. It's not offensive or anything, but I get the idea someone COULD take it the wrong way. I'll PM it to whoever wants to hear it though lol</p>
<p>No, blu, I did not think u were white. lol</p>
<p>And yes, u can PM ur convo.</p>
<p>Damn, I never considered the lack of barbershops.....</p>
<p>That would have been a HUGE problem but it seems that Dartmouth handled it</p>
<p>I know, right? My do needs to be kept in a nice form. lol</p>
<p>ANd blu, what's ur answer to my offer?</p>
<p>haha check your PMs</p>