No Cal Grants this year?

<p>[California</a> faces its day of fiscal reckoning - Yahoo! News](<a href=“]California”></p>

<p>The governor’s cutbacks could include ending the state’s main welfare program for the poor, eliminating health coverage for about 1.5 million poor children, halting cash grants for about 77,000 college students, shortening the school year by seven days, laying off thousands of state workers and teachers, slashing money for state parks and releasing thousands of prisoners before their sentences are finished.</p>

<p>College is simply out of the question for me without a cal grant. I feel like the sky is close to falling.</p>

<p>they should just shorten the school year by 7 days…
that would probably be the LEAST damaging effect of this economy crisis in california</p>

<p>plus, its hard to imagine you retain even 40% of what you learned in school.</p>

<p>students will be happy, teachers aren’t going to get moody for an added week of spring break, win win situation</p>

<p>I heard some teachers discussing the possibility of shortening the school year by 7 days. Apparently, it’s already difficult enough for them to accomplish everything by deadlines plus they need the pay. <em>shrug</em> I wouldn’t know…</p>

<p>Removing the Cal Grant sounds like we may be jumping to conclusions… but that would be absolutely horrendous. Imagine having to switch colleges halfway through summer! I’m going to say that this likely isn’t going to happen… but who knows. Let’s hope it doesn’t.</p>

<p>From UCOP 5/22/09:</p>

<p>“We also are extremely troubled that the Cal Grants program has been mentioned for possible elimination. More than 46,000 UC undergraduates receive Cal Grants, which bring in $293 million in grant aid for students from lower-income California families.” “The choices are stark, and everything is on the table.”</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - UC Newsroom | Budget proposals threaten Cal Grants; UC may face deeper cuts](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>UC should be able to handle a 20% cut. Other schools have done it and they were nowhere near as well funded as UC has been.</p>

<p>They’ll handle it with a tuition hike.</p>

<p>It’s not the fee hikes I’m particularly worried about. If there are no Cal Grants, the fee hikes won’t matter because I won’t be able to afford UC at any price.</p>

<p>This is really bad… looks like the consideration of cutting the CalGrant is becoming reality. Schwarzenegger proposed this in his budget cuts (well, it doesn’t say CalGrant specifically, but I’m assuming it is).</p>

<p>[New</a> Calif. budget cuts hit poor families, kids - Life-](<a href=“]New”></p>



<p>Some relieving news…</p>



<p>I wonder if a CalGrant elimination will apply to 09’ers?</p>

<p>I hope not. What I bet they’ll do is start dropping the income ceiling for Cal Grants, so anyone who isn’t “poor” won’t get anything. Great compromise, unless you’re a middle class college student.</p>

<p>[Graduating</a> students may find access to college funding cut off -](<a href=“]Graduating”></p>

<p>It looks like the cuts will apply to the Fall '09 semester. Don’t they care that 200,000 people will probably drop out of college because they can’t afford it?</p>

<p>This is ridiculous… going to college was already stressful enough financially. Some of us already got aid packages, it seems insane that we’d have to pull out months before entering college. With such short notice and false expectations, a plan B becomes that much more difficult…</p>

<p>well, if this passes, i guess i am dropping out.</p>

<p>From the Governor’s budget plan released yesterday:</p>



<p>[Billions</a> in new cuts loom for California including eliminating welfare and closing most state parks - San Jose Mercury News](<a href=“Billions in new cuts loom for California — including eliminating welfare and closing most state parks – The Mercury News”>Billions in new cuts loom for California — including eliminating welfare and closing most state parks – The Mercury News)</p>

<p>Schwarzenegger’s plan would completely phase out the Cal Grant program over the next three years. The proposal would eliminate all new grants, including those that have already been tentatively offered to over 80,000 students statewide. Although the 46,000 students within the UC system who currently receive Cal Grants would be eligible for renewals, the maximum award would not be increased to compensate for future UC and CSU fee hikes.</p>

<p>Best case scenario: this is indeed a ploy by the governor to get the democrats to concede something else.</p>

<p>Would less people actually attend an UC because of the Cal grant cuts?</p>

<p>Yes. For many people such as myself, the Cal Grant covers a huge portion of college costs. Can’t afford it without.</p>

<p>[California</a> legislators reject cuts to Cal Grants, Hastings law school - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee](<a href=“]California”></p>

<p>Very good, thanks for the article Lupirius. I’m still under the impression that the governor could line-item veto Cal Grants out of the budget if a budget ever gets passed, though.</p>

<p>Still a big sigh of relief.</p>

<p>Thank you so much. I was close to freaking out and actually going to community college. O_O That would’ve been bad. xD</p>