no interview

<p>Dan, ( or others who may know) this was asked as part of a thread but I think it ought to get greater visibility.</p>

<p>What does it mean if an ED1 applicant has not been alumni interviewed? My child has not been contacted. With decisions soon upon us, the opportunity seems to have faded.
How much weight is given to an alumni interview?
Is the fact that someone has not gotten an interview related to enthusiastic and compensating existing recommendations or evidenced familiarity with the school ( so alumni representation is less necessary?)
Do you think we ought to call the admissions office to check on this? </p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I’m an alumni interviewer, autumn12, so until Dan shows up, I’ll give you my 2 cents.</p>

<p>What does it mean? All Tufts interviews are conducted by alumni volunteers, and while we are an enthusiatic group, there are just so many of us, and we all have other demands on our time. Consequently, we just don’t get to everyone. So what does it mean that your child wasn’t contacted? It means that there were more applicants than interviewers in your area, or it means that the interviewer assigned to your kid was out of the country, had a sick child, or something else. It has no relationship to the rest of the application.</p>

<p>Are interviews necessary? Absolutely not. The Tufts admissions office gets plenty of information from transcripts, knowledge of the high school, test scores, letters of recommendation, and essays.</p>

<p>Should you contact the admissions office? It’s a little late to assign a new interview. If I were your child though, I’d email the admissions office saying that I was disappointed not to have had an interview, mentioning one or two things that I’d hoped to convey. Since we’re talking about an ED1 application, I would be sure to mention the reason or reasons I decided to apply early.</p>

<p>Good luck in these final days. It’s a stressful time and a shame that an interview (or lack of one) has to add to it.</p>

<p>Hi, I’m also an ED1 applicant and I think that you should confirm with your daughter that she signed up for an interview and checked it off on the CommonApp. </p>

<p>I talked to the the director of Alumni Interviews for my area - New Jersey - a few months ago and she told me that you should contact the interview committee if you are not contacted within 3 weeks. </p>

<p>I was contacted on Veteran’s day (11 days after my application was submitted).</p>

<p>So either there was no way to accommodate your daughter, or she did not sign up those are the two possibilities.</p>

<p>Can a good interview give you a boost?</p>

<p>I would say so because in the interview you can show the person who is on the application through your responses. My application is a little ‘weak’ in some areas, so I am hoping that the interview helped me. My interviewer was great, and it was very conversational. So when they give the write up, that’s just one more pro (or sometimes con) to your application.</p>

<p>i think its not so much of how the interview went, because the alums may have different views of you than tufts would. its the fact that you had an interview because that shows your interest in the school. i think…</p>