No show Bio lab instructor?

<p>DD just texted me that she’s in her Bio lab with other students, but no instructor. I asked if she could email the instructor on her schedule, but “TBA” is listed. She’s going to email the Bio lecture professor to see if he can answer. Where does she go beyond that? Department Chair?</p>

<p>D told me last night that there are no labs on holiday weeks and this is considered a holiday week.

<p>I didn’t think Bio Lab was scheduled for today.</p>

<p>DS received email Monday that bio lab would not meet this week</p>

<p>D got email from both bio and chem, no labs this week. Also got an email for another class that room/bldg had changed. Checking email regularly is crucial!</p>

<p>Remind your D to check her crimson email regularly. It’s hard for this generation to embrace email, they are so much more used to using social media for info!</p>

<p>My D forwarded her crimson account to her gmail so she gets all her emails in one place. She’s always hated email, but is now resigned to checking it regularly.</p>

<p>My understanding is that labs don’t take place in partial weeks. That way everyone has the same number of labs, no matter what day of the week.</p>

<p>I knew y’all would know. I’ll EMAIL her right now. :)</p>

<p>My son got an e-mail from his chemistry lab teacher that there would be no lab this week. Maybe this is the same situation for all science labs.</p>

<p>Juniebug is spot-on. That is exactly how it is handled and why they do it that way. It wouldn’t make much sense to start right off w/ a lab when the material hadn’t been covered first in a lecture.</p>

<p>Also, fair warning to Chem Labs: DO NOT underestimate the pre-lab assessments. If you blow them off and do poorly, you can be “banned” from that week’s lab session, which in turn forces the equivalent of a “zero” and as if you voluntarily did not show up, even though you want to be there and it can reflect poorly on your overall grade if not careful. We learned that one the hard way last fall. Please learn from that and warn your student.</p>

<p>Lab rules are strictly adhered to for the safety of the students. Students need to be prepared and follow all guidelines fo the class.</p>

<p>A little disorganization about class location yesterday.</p>