<p>How long did it take for your congressman to get back to you about whether or not you got a nomination? And how did they let you know? Letter? Phone Call? Let me know if your nomination was a senator/house rep/vp.</p>
<p>Good Morning & Happy Thanksgiving,</p>
<p>As I understand it the process varies from congressional office to office, so I’ll speak to our son’s experience. I’m sure others here on the forum can describe variations to the theme based upon their personal experience.</p>
<p>By way of background, one of our Senators conducts congressional nomination interviews and the other does not, choosing instead to base his selection solely on the nomination package each applicant submits. Our Congresswoman conducts nomination interviews.</p>
<p>Our son underwent his first nomination interview with the Senator on 12 NOV and received a nomination to West Point approximately two weeks later. He was notified via a very formal USPS First Class letter. He underwent his second nomination interview with our Congresswoman on Monday of this week. The Congresswoman called our son here at home last night to congratulate him on her nomination for West Point. It was very thoughtful of her to do that and exciting too!</p>
<p>Our son called the Senator who does not conduct nomination interviews to politely inquire about his decision-making timeline. This Senator personally reviews each nomination package and will provide a decision just prior to Christmas.</p>
<p>Hope this helps and good luck with your nominations!</p>
<p>Best Regards,
<p>I had an interview with my MOC on 9 Nov. I recieved a letter from him on 24 Nov saying that he nominated me for USAFA, USMA, USNA, and USMMA. I thought it was very strange.</p>
<p>so my congressman (Dan Burton, IN 5th District) should get back to me sooner than my senators? and do you think he’ll give me a personal phone call? oh and OK3-wire, what did the package include? hand written letter? certificate? Im excited</p>
<p>In our son’s case, none of our MOC’s conduct interviews-they simply make their decisions based on the the info supplied by the candidate. </p>
<p>Senator 1 had a deadline of 17 OCT; son received a letter about a week after his submission, saying his packet was complete and he would be notified of her decision around the end of December (she has a board review the packets and give her recommendations). </p>
<p>Senator 2 has a deadline of 5 DEC; son also received a letter saying packet complete and decision would be made and notification received by end of December. </p>
<p>Congressman had a deadline of 7 NOV; son completed packet about a week before due and received a letter around 7 NOV saying the congressional aide would be calling Candidates for phone interviews in the near future. Our son got a phone call from the congressional aide on 12 NOV for what we thought was an interview, but instead was calling to tell son he was receiving the Congressman’s nomination due to a very strong and impressive profile. The letter was received from Congressman on 24 NOV. (A fairly generic letter saying congratulations for having been recommended to me for a nomination, will forward your official nomination paperwork to USMA, remember you must meet USMA’s academic and physical guidelines, not everyone who receives a nomination will receive an appointment, but good luck, etc., was hand-signed by the congressman.) As of yesterday, the nomination is not yet showing up on the candidate portal - I understand that may take a week or two. Son has an LOA and his candidate portal is all ‘green’, so now he’s just waiting for the offer of admissions (and praying some too!)</p>
<p>Seems like the process moves along rather quickly once it gets started.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I was interviewed on a saturday in mid december for my congressman, I heard about the results on the following monday.</p>
<p>Mom: would not be surprised if appointment arrived before Christmas…as long as son is OK w/ DodMerb. My son had his last year on the day after Thanksgiving…so plenty of time for Santa to bring a WP hoodie for Christmas!</p>
<p>Mom3boys - what a great Christmas present that would be (the appointment, I mean - and the hoodie too!!)</p>
<p>Son is good with DoDMERB, qualified back in July. Shockingly, in a way, because son originally thought his eyesight would be a problem - his eyes are TERRIBLE, but correctible to 20/20, so I guess that was why he passed that part. There also has been a question about a possible bee/wasp allergy for him - he was stung by three bees when he was little and swelled huge at the site of the stings. Because we live in a rural area (45 minutes from closest hospital), our Dr. prescribed an Epi-Pen for him, just in case. Well, we’ve gotten the prescriptions filled for the past 15 years, but son has never gotten stung again, so we don’t know if he has an anaphylactic reaction or not. Our Dr. is a Navy Doc. We talked to him last spring about whether son should disclose the ‘possible’ allergy and he said yes. So…son disclosed it and we just knew it would DQ him and we’d have to then work on getting that reversed, if possible. Son went to DoDMERB physical and a few days later, I received a call from a Dr. in Colorado Springs. The Dr. asked me about son’s history and said since he’s never been diagnosed or confirmed as having an allergy, he wasn’t going to DQ him and told us good luck with the rest of the appointment process!</p>
<p>Son and I were stunned - it seems like everything is going his way without a huge amount of effort on his part. Which makes me feel bad for those who are exibiting a huge amount of effort and maybe won’t be so lucky. </p>
<p>Son also was told back when he was a freshman by a SA rep that he should strive to be president of something. Well, son put all his eggs in one basket, was going for FBLA president for his senior year (in our school you can only be president of one club at a time) The competition for FBLA president was a short essay (to be done during classtime). Son was in the middle of his dual-credit college class and was not able to spend much time on the essay and wrote a less than perfect paragraph. Needless to say, he didn’t win the spot, and all his other club involvement elections had been done prior to the FBLA one. He was worried that he hadn’t been president of any club would cause him a problem, but apparently not. We are all very grateful for the ease of which things are going for him and realize that maybe a higher power is telling son where he needs to be.</p>
<p>Back in September, the day the LOA arrived, son had said he was going to go online and cancel his application - he just knew he wouldn’t get in. Then he got the mail with the LOA and everything was a go again!</p>
<p>What a roller coaster this is for all of these kids!</p>