<p>So I applied for Fall 2012 and have completed the majority of my G.E. courses at a local community college, along with all major specific courses. I mainly just need to take a lab class like geology/chem/biology and a English class yet. </p>
<p>My question is I completed some math courses online over the summer through Online</a> courses for college credit - Online Courses - StraighterLine So will those courses apply towards my GE requirements. One of the courses is a statistics course, which I'd rather not take again if I can help it. Straigterline courses are evaluated by ACE (American Council on Education) and recommended for credit. The particular course in question is recommended by the ACE - National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training in the lower division baccalaureate or associate degree category. </p>
<p>ACE website is listed here:
ACE</a> CREDIT | The National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training | Find a Course or Exam</p>
<p>According to CSULB:
2010-2011</a> CSULB Catalog - Credit for Noncollegiate Instruction
"The California State University, Long Beach grants undergraduate degree credit for successful completion of noncollegiate instruction, either military or civilian, appropriate to the baccalaureate degree, that has been recommended by the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education. The number of units allowed are those recommended in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services and the National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs."</p>
<p>So would it be safe to assume the aforementioned coursework would qualify for credit? In satisfying the GE math requirement?</p>