Norheastern universiy

<p>What is the scoop about northeasterns nursing program?</p>

<p>It’s the best</p>

<p>What do you want to know specifically?</p>

<p>Over the summer, our family took a tour of Northeastern in Boston, and made arraingements to meet with several members of the SON as a part of our tour. On our tour, we were shown their nursing labs and class space. Their labs are second to none. They had more Simulators than any other school we looked at (with 80+ students per incoming class) and they had more simulators in crates waiting for space to install them. We talked with one of the faculty and were impressed with their eagerness to talk about why Northeastern is so special. And then IMHO, there is the Co-Op program. As part of your BSN degree program, you are Required to work for 18 Months in the healthcare field. NU will assist you in getting the job, but for 6 months each during 3 semesters, you will be working and getting Paid a decent rate (more than Minimum wage) at jobs in the healthcare field. The Great part of all this is that you graduate with 18 Months of Job Experience as well as a BSN degree. This does make the program last for 5 years rather than 4, but for the 18 months you are working, you’re not paying tuitition and if you work near NU, you can still stay in student housing for the same cost.</p>

<p>NU is our top choice but is Very competitive. The only other school we know of that does this is Drexel in Philly. We visited them as well and spoke with several of their nursing administration. Overall, they are comparable to NU in pretty much every aspect and admission to either school will give you a competitive leg up upon graduation!</p>

<p>check out their website at: [url=&lt;a href=“]School”&gt;School of Nursing - School of Nursing]School</a> of Nursing - Dean’s Message | Bouv</p>

<p>saugus2012, your thread will be great for me. I am wondering why Upenn requires such only 1500ish SAT score for freshman?</p>

<p>Saugus2012–Thank you for pulling all this information together. It is extremely helpful! Good luck to your daughter!</p>

<p>Re: SAT Question</p>

<p>It looks like some of the SAT averages provided are only looking at Math/ Verbal (1600 scale), and some are looking at the 2400 scale which includes the writing portion.</p>

<p>For example, Bloomsburg is 1497 (probably out of 2400 ?), and UPenn is 1530 (maybe out of 1600 ?).</p>