Not accepted anywhere yet ( should i be worried)

<p>It seems man ppl have gotten into one place on CC for fall 08
and im worried i havent gotten in anyhwere
I know UCLA and berkeley arent out yet
but im still pending at UCI , davis, UCSD, and UCSB.</p>

<p>should i be worried</p>

<p>im a 3.0 gpa
Econ major
TAP certified</p>

<p>Im a econ major too with a 3.58 and Ive only gotten into SB. I dunno if you should be worried yet, give it another week and a half, then worry. I'm a little worried about SD too. As far as UCI, I know alot of people with high gpas and theyre still pending. Its weird though cause I know somebody who got into SD, SB, and irvine with a 3.1 gpa as a bio major.</p>

<p>im just hoping i get into UCLA its my 1st choice
since im TAP
i get consideration for 2 majors i put econ and political science
i dont care which i go for as long as i go there
but if i get in there i dont have to check any other school and that will be a relief to me</p>

<p>but yea... the acceptances have been really random</p>

<p>same here, accepted nowhere so far,
applied and waiting for sd, d, la, and b
but not very worry yet, they either accept or reject me!
As other ppl said, I paid $60 each, I should at least get an answer</p>

<p>wow i would be really worried if i were you too. Econ is a pretty impacted major...but you're TAPPed. I think you're on the borderline since your GPA is 3.0. at my CC, we need 3.1 or above for UCLA for TAP. but you never know, maybe they will like your personal statement.</p>

<p>yes, should be worried</p>

<p>I seem to remember hearing from a counselor that a 3.2+ is pretty much standard for UCLA, even TAP Certified. Additionally, it probably wasn't a good idea to choose those two majors unless you have the pre-reqs done for each, which is a big component of the admission decision.</p>

<p>well at least you were smarter than me....</p>

<p>I picked Econ for my 1st major and Busecon for my 2nd preference just to be arrogant and adamant that I only wanted to study econ, lawlz.</p>

<p>So stupid hahaha.</p>

<p>good luck!~~ TAP should get you Irvine. My friend got in with 3.1 without TAP i think..</p>

<p>you should get in to UCI at least!</p>

<p>i've havn't heard from anyone either. although, i'm a engineer major and i've heard some engineer majors havn't heard from anywhere either.</p>

<p>Business economics is more impacted than normal economics at UCLA, I think. I got my letter for acceptance into the econ/math program from UCSD. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't business econ for people who can't quite get into a business major, but aren't quite able to do a quantitative econ program?</p>

<p>TAP has nothing to do with irvine?</p>

<p>haha.. silly me... I'm caught up in this whole TAP mess, starting to confuse things...</p>

<p>what is TAP?</p>

<p>wrong mattn, TAP @ my school has it for UCI + UCLA. On my admissions page it said i had "advanced standing" which cc do you go to OP?</p>

<p>Because very few CC's if at all allow 3.0 to be tap certified. You should check the requirements again</p>

<p>TAP-speical program for UCLA(gives you priority for UCLA/UCI and some other schools)</p>

<p>Tap that ass.</p>

<p>LOL tap it!</p>

<p>hmmm I've seen this before...</p>