Hi guys! I recently got accepted into the UCSD and UCLA. I put on my TAU that I planned to take to finish my organic chemistry series and physics series during the summer. Looking back on it, that was really stupid. However, I can’t take any major classes now due to COVID-19. I emailed UCSD and UCLA about my problem and I have gotten vague replies. I am wondering if this would take away my acceptance?
Does your provisional contract mention summer courses?
@Ohm888 For UCLA, it states “Notify our office immediately of any withdrawals, incomplete grades, drop in academic performance (including two or more C grades, any D and/or F grades, and any C grades in major preparatory classes), or other changes to your class schedule.”
I already notified them, but it will take 15 days for a response. The problem is I have to make a decision by May 1.
For UCSD, it states “YOUR OFFER OF ADMISSION WILL BE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION IF: Your grades and scores on official transcripts do not match the information you reported on the Academic section of your UC Application.”
I emailed UCSD, but they didn’t answer my question. Unlike UCLA, theres no notification form.