Not going to Parent Weekend :(

<p>Yes, I’m bummed that I won’t be there. I am looking forward to going on Columbus Day weekend though. Is anyone else going then?</p>

<p>We also aren’t going, mainly because I have 2 in the high school band and I am the music booster president/band chaperone. I have no clue if D misses us or is sad we aren’t attending because she never has time to talk with us. I suppose that’s a good thing!</p>

<p>What an uplifting thread!
I wasn’t at all concerned about this weekend (not going, that is), until just this evening, when his suite-mate’s family texted me to say that my own son was “really happy…and doing well…and they all wished I could be there, too.” Then I did get sad… (You’ll note that he himself did not text me - horrors!)
It is reassuring to know that I’m not the only family…that others have had similar experiences (son/daughter says they’re fine, just fine…) and that the kids actually will probably be very busy with other things and not have all that much time for us anyway.</p>

<p>I will definitely be going next year and make a proper expedition of it, taking care parcels for any/all kids whose families cannot attend. That is such a great idea that I had not thought to ask anyone about, esp since his 18th birthday is coming up next month, and he needs bags and bags of Creators popcorn from Chi-town!</p>

<p>We’re not going-the main reason is S is flying home for Fall Break in two weeks. When we first started our college selection journey, Alabama was not even on the radar.
We second guessed ourselves until the last minute. The tipping point was the generous scholarship offer. Fast forward to today- Our S seems very happy, extremely involved in a wide range of activities, getting along fantastically with his roommates. Probably would not have time for us even if we attended. Wish we would have gone to parents weekend, but we have 3 more years to participate.
For those who are attending, please let us know how you enjoyed the weekend.
Roll tide!!!</p>

<p>I did get to FINALLY attend FW this time around. (3rd year)
We too had not attended before due to how soon it is to start of semester and cost considerations. I therefore totally sympathize with your sadness. </p>

<p>We did get to see DS, but not as much as I wanted (read this – all the time), but I got the impression from friends with Frosh, it was more than they did. I think that year has more “stuff” they find themselves committed to. So if you didn’t get to go this time, tell yourself you may get more time with him/her by waiting for a different occasion.</p>

<p>BTW I may be having more opportunities, younger DD now has BAMA fever, it’s on her list. ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>My 16 year old Daughter attended Family Weekend and, like her brother, has fallen in love. Would love some suggestions as to schools that may be similar to UA, but with lower OOS costs - as it will be a stretch for DD to get the same scholarship that brother received.</p>

<p>^^^ I am in the same boat. My D, who is a HS junior, desperately wants to attend Bama. She has the gpa for 2/3 off tutition, but not sure she will earn an SAT score high enough for the scholarship… It is so sad, too, because she really wants to go to UA. It is still early, so maybe things will work out, but knowing of other schools she might would consider would be great!!!</p>

<p>She has a whole year to work on teh ACT/SAT score! I swear, retaking the ACT multiple times is worth it. The science really does have some luck to it.</p>

<p>ProudBamaMama, vlines is so right. We saw some huge fluctuations in scores. The composites were close, but there were wild swings in the subscores from sitting to sitting. All it takes is one test where the planets align and the highest subscores come together in one sitting, and the composite score can jump a few points. If your D is anywhere close to qualifying for a good scholarship, it’s worth it to take the test as often as it’s offered.</p>

<p>She does plan to take the SAT and ACT several times. She is a math-science kiddo so we have heard that she might have better luck with the ACT. She is interested in engineering, so at least a 30 on the ACT would qualify her for a good scholarship… She keeps asking if she can still attend Bama without the scholarship, but that would be a hard pill to swallow no matter how much we love that place since we are OOS. I have also heard that even after being accepted she can continue to take the tests trying to raise her scholarship offer - Is that true?</p>

<p>I’d also like to know if there is any possibility of scholarship with a GPA below the 3.5. Sometimes they give something to women who go into engineering.</p>

<p>I think my daughter will have the GPA (as long as they consider the weighted gpa) but her last ACT score was 27. She is not a strong STEM student so it would be quite a stretch to bring that up to a 32. She will be taking the ACT at least 3 more times…so maybe, as you say, the stars will align for her at one of those sittings.</p>

<p>ProudBamaMoma- does she know what major she wants, or at least discipline? Lots of outside scholarships for female engineering/STEM majors.</p>

<p>Sorry, I had not made it to this page when I posted this.</p>

<p>So look for some outside schoarships for engineering for her to apply for as well. There area few that are 4 year scholarships.</p>

<p>RTRMom2 - has she tried the SAT. My daughter is going to try that since she was overwhelmed with the science on her practice ACT. Unlike her DB she is not the math science child.
We too are in that what “might” she qualify for, OOS with no help is a stretch and she’s sworn off CA schools, more so now that she’s seen UA. She’s even gung ho to start SAT tutoring and no groanning. So glad she made the trip. RTR</p>

<p>Yes, take both the SAT and the ACT! There is no penalization for taking each test multiple times.</p>

<p>She will be taking the PSAT in October, I think. I am guessing that will give us an idea of how she might do on the SAT.</p>

<p>We got a set of “top 2000 SAT Vocab Words” flashcards from Amazon, and often spent thirty minutes in the evening playing off each other…DD would give definitions for each word until she missed (and got a point for each correct) then either DH or I would have a go, with DD fielding the cards.</p>

<p>It was fun, competitive, and DD ended up slaying the vocab sections of the standardized tests.</p>

<p>It has improved her writing, as well.</p>

<p>And I almost always already know Bill O’Reilly’s “Word of the Day” now. lol</p>

<p>Thanks for all the advice everyone! I am keeping my fingers crossed that things work out for my daughter…There is no university I would rather trust with both of my kids than UA. :slight_smile: My freshman son’s experience there has been perfect so far. My daughter is so gung-ho about Bama that she is hoping to visit during this year’s colorguard try-outs in order to be better prepared next year when she hopes to try-out! Now that is planning ahead, huh? Now…just to get that SAT or Act score up! Going to order those vocab cards right now TXArchitect. :-)</p>