Not in top 10%

<p>For those that have high schools that rank, is it reasonable to think that one can get into this college if not in the top 10% regardless of how test scores/APs/extracurrics/class rigor....etc?</p>

<p>Also, this is barring any hook that is "inherently" required when having such a poor GPA or class rank.</p>

<p>You'd be in a small minority. 80 percent of each class is in the top 10%. This is based upon approximately 60% of students who actually had their rank reported, I believe. So while it is possible, it's not statistically probable.</p>

<p>One of my colleges (very selective, certainly one I'd consider on par with JHU; didn't attend though) told me that 96% of their students had a GPA much much higher than mine, and I still got in. (And I was definitely not even close to the top 10% of my class). The rest of your application counts.</p>

<p>I was barely in the top 25%. And when I say barely, I mean, like, i was one above the person that was the marker for hte top 25%.</p>

<p>So don't worry. Might it be an uphill climb? Yeah. But who knows, the JHU admissions staff is lookign for more than stats.</p>

<p>new chick, what stats did u have though? .. they must have been AMAZING .. no ?</p>

<p>I always assumed the bottom 10% of a Freshman class (GPA wise) was mostly spectacular lackadaisical geniuses who are on the US IMO team etc.</p>