<p>My S got 29 on ACT - missed auto admit to his 1st choice school by 1 point. He got a 199 on PSAT - missed scholarship through employer by 1 point (and commended by 1 point). I see a trend here....in any case, since he was so close to auto admit, what do you think his chances are for Tx A&M admission? Class rank in top 25% - he has 3.7 GPA, taking AP Chem, AP Eng, AP Calculus and AP Bio. Taken Honors Anatomy & Physiology, in Nat'l Honor Society and has lots of excellent ECs. He hasn't taken his SAT yet so don't have that score. Lots of other awards but not going into those - just trying to get a feel for other students' experiences when they weren't auto-admit to A&M - what were your qualifications and does S stand a chance on review admit? BTW, he is planning to join the Corps of Cadets.....and he's currently a Jr. And we're TX residents.</p>
<p>If you are Texas residents, then the class rank is a little low. It really would depend on what school you attend. If it's at a school well known for its academic excellence, then I'd say it looks like a good chance. If it's a mediocre public school, then I'd say no.</p>
<p>The best bet would be to get the auto-admit score on the SAT. Otherwise it would be a stretch because of the top 10% rule.</p>
<p>Take the ACT again?</p>
<p>S is at private college prep school with high academic standards - not public school. I was also wondering if there are any opinions as to whether he should mention his diagnosed learning disability when applying? He doesn't receive any special accomodations at school and has learned to work around the disability - even so, I wonder if it would hurt or help to tell admissions counselors about it?</p>