Not offered HL physics?

I’m currently attending an myp program at an IB highschool. I was looking at the available ib courses for my junior/senior years and my school only offers SL physics, no HL. It’s been offered before at my school so does anyone have any tips on how to get it back? Would it be better to just take AP physics and forgo IB physics altogether if I can’t get HL? I’m planning on eventually majoring in theoretical physics/ maths

Have you done IBMYP physics? If so, I’d go ahead and take AP Physics 2 or AP Physics C if you’ve already taken calculus. If not, I’d go ahead and stay with SL Physics and just not fool with AP Physics 1, it isn’t worth it.

Does your school have physics C? It may be more of a teacher issue that a student one.

You can look into an online school like Dwight Global Online School or Pamoja. Both offer IB classes online. Good way to supplement your transcript.

Well it depends on what you want in the course. If you want IB physics for the credit don’t do it, take AP. But the IB physics Curriculum in IB is a lot more involved with all the IB exams and the internal assessment. In my opinion it will prepare you better due to workload. It also depends on your school. Atleast in my school( every school is different) , I am an IB student with AP cources as well. Since the best teachers go to IB , our AP program suffers in some cases.

Bottom line , take into account

  • Teachers who would be teaching each cource
  • the colleges you are thinking of applying to
  • what you are looking for in the actual class

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

^ all that, but also what’s important is that you need other students wanting to take the class. The reason why some schools dont offer hl physics is because it goes into some calculus and that restricted the number of people able to take it. so basically, you need enough people willing to take it for them to even offer the course.

I talked to my IB counselor and she said the school would probably bring it back because people keep asking after it. Thanks!