<p>Midori Oto, holds the Jascha Heifetz Chair of Violin at the Thornton School of Music. She also is chair of the strings department. She announced this week noted violist, Michael Tree, will be joining the music faculty in fall 2014.</p>
<p>Michael Tree has performed in concert halls around the world. He was a founding member of the Guarneri String Quartet and has a long list of classical recordings.</p>
<p>USC alumnus, Troy Armstrong, has won the Marilyn Glick Young Composer Competition in Indianapolis, Indiana.</p>
<p>Michael Lee of Thornton won 1st Prize at the NACUSA’s Young Composer’s 35th Competition.</p>
<p>Musicians from the Popular Music Program appeared with Sir Elton John at the recent Emmy Awards television event.</p>
<p>The new “Artist in Residence” at the Thornton School is Jay Z producer, Young Guru.</p>
<p>Musicians from Thornton were able to showcase their compositions at a recent Beach Boys concert in Los Angeles.</p>