Notified for Engineering?

From my understanding, VT will release regular admissions in February(1st choice major acceptance mainly) and March. Has anyone or anyone’s child been accepted to the College of Engineering on the March release last year?

Also, do they even release anything April 1 or is it just the date that you should have received some type of admissions notification?

Last year students accepted to their first choice major were notified on February 20th. All others were in March. My son is hoping for Engineering. There is really not any 2nd choice if he does not get in.

@MSMead S is also hoping to get into VA Tech Engineering, with no second choice.

I’ve been puzzled how some universities will turn down an applicant to their engineering school, accepting the applicant instead into the liberal arts program, and then crowing about how excited the applicant should be to be admitted to their university. Um, not to burst the university’s bubble, but if S doesn’t get into the engineering school, he’ll be going to an engineering school elsewhere. Texas A&M and NC State both did this (though S subsequently was accepted into Texas A&M engineering school). All the best to your S, MSMead. :slight_smile:

There’s been talk that VT going forward will not strongly consider engineering candidates for their 2nd choice major if they aren’t accepted in ENG. This has NOT been stated as university policy at this time (as far as I know), but came from some GC’s who supposedly have good relations with VT admissions. Please note that this could be simply an unfounded rumor! However, it’s not too far fetched to believe they could be heading in this direction. They’ve recently changed/tightened the criteria for transferring into ENG from other majors as a current student and will only allow 250 transfers in. Remains to be seen if they stick by the 250 # and how they choose those - lottery, GPA, space available in the major, etc. I hear they’ve had issues with so many students trying to transfer out of a few majors into eng, negatively impacting the original major (Physics is one I’ve heard mentioned). There’s a new Dean coming into the School of Engineering, maybe that will change some of their admissions/transfer policies.

My child applied for engineering two years ago, got in to VT for Math. He had a conversation with someone in VT admissions and was told it can be difficult to transfer into engineering from another major at VT because an important factor is applicable credits/classes. VT Engineering students have first priority to the core classes freshman year. For that reason, he decided to attend another four year VA school that offered a full engineering program. Applied to VT engineering last spring and did get in. Just some food for thought.

It makes sense that VT would not consider a 2nd major if its general studies. You cannot get into engineering from general studies. They recommend going to a community college and then transferring. I do hope that they consider a students 2nd choice if its another major like Math or Science. For example, a student could get a Physics degree and then go on to Engineering for their masters.

In the past (before recent changes) the best path to transferring into engineering from within VT was to start out in a major with similar foundation course requirements. Those courses are restricted in the Fall term to only students in majors requiring them, but are typically open to all students in spring. So a University Studies major likely wouldn’t be able to start taking classes to transfer into engineering (math and science) until at least spring. Given that there’s more demand than supply for these classes, just being able to register for them doesn’t mean you’ll get a seat - especially as a 2nd term freshman. The real challenge - getting the 2 engineering foundation courses that must be taken at VT (used to be able to transfer in from CC but that door closed as I understand it). They are of course restricted to engineering students in fall with limited seats available for the 1st foundation engineering class in spring. Then you pick up the 2nd one in resident summer session or fall. And at that point getting out in 8 semesters is a real challenge as many of the eng majors are 132 hours.

I don’t think that is entirely accurate. Looking at NoVa CC, the 2 engineering foundation classes are still offered (though the class numbers have changed) and the transfer page on the VT website shows this as a valid transfer class. So at least that is possible…

@Rwoo24 - An AO at a college fair indicated that the date an application was submitted would influence when the decision was released (i.e., early submittal leads to February decision). They didn’t mention that it could depend on whether an applicant was admitted to their first choice major. Is this based on something you were told or based on past experience?

I saw similar information on another CC post. I believe last year VT did something in terms of first choice notification on a certain date. Here is a tweet from them a year ago. @jmek15

I got into Virginia Tech General Engineering about 8 hours ago

Thanks, @Rwoo24! Since S applied so early i think if he doesn’t get an acceptance in the first round we’ll pretty much know the outcome. @Shivin302 did you receive an email or was your portal updated? Were you RD? Also, Congratulations!!

@jmek15 not sure I believe @Shivin302

First ever post is unlikely info.

My portal was updated and I got an email. The email mentioned quite a bit about the Cranwell international center so I think I got admitted early because of being an international student.

I just created my account because this is my first acceptance. I have lurked for a while

Congratulations @Shivin302

FYI: Starting next year, VT will only have applicants select one major for admission. Not sure why they are changing it but I have another DS who is a HS Junior so it will effect him. Meanwhile, my DS who is a senior and waiting to hear only selected on major because honestly, if he doesn’t get into it, than he won’t go to VT. He knows what he wants to study (Business) and there is no point going to VT if he doesn’t get into Pamplin.

My dd applied to VT two years ago for Engineering with University Studies as a backup.
She was accepted into Engineering and found out in end of March.