so I have not received anything in February 20th....

So I applied to Virginia Tech with first choice being University Studies. (Can’t chose secondary major if you chose university studies for the main major) I have not heard back from them in the first round (February 20th). From what I have heard from people, they say people who got accepted to their first choice major is notified in February 20th. Is this true? Does this mean that I am rejected? Is it also true that people in the second round are border line applicants?

Would love to know this too @TheMoneyMan We only chose one major and didn’t get a decision today.

Ditto. We only chose one major and didn’t hear today. Trying not to read too much into it. I’m so curious if anyone actually received a rejection today. So far I don’t know of anyone.

@vacollegemom4 @sbgal2011 Why does VT hate us and make us have to wait other 4 weeks :(( And they will probably send out all the rejection letters in March 17th…

I really don’t like this system by Virginia Tech… why won’t they just release all the decisions at the same time.

It does not mean you were rejected if you didn’t get an accepted notice on Feb. 20. While most students accepted in the first round were accepted into their first choice majors, according to previous CC posts, some students end up being accepted into their first choice in the second round.

Did anyone get a rejection yesterday or was this just offers of admission? My sense is it may have been the competitive applicants that VT might want to sway vs. losing to other schools that have had their admissions out there or are rolling admissions. Just a thought. Still waiting here where DD is a legacy along with OOS. It’s not her first choice but curious how this is working, and also not fond of their status notification process.

@Mcf331 I agree it seems that yesterday’s admittances were for students that I suspect VT hopes will commit right away before another school scoops them up. I remind myself that this is in fact a business in the end. I don’t believe any rejections went out yesterday.

Not getting accepted in February is no indication of what the decision will be in the next round. Nor does it mean you will not get your 1st choice major. Relax, Remain positive, time will go quickly if you focus on other things. @vacollegemom4 has it right.

Agree with bboop42. The notifications are being made in batches. That’s all it means. The remaining applications will be reviewed and notified in end of March. Just because you didn’t hear in February does not mean you don’t have a chance of getting your first choice in end of March.

I agree with everyone here. No need to worry, you’ll get in :slight_smile: