Notre Dame 2027 Waitlist

I think you made a great decision to put your mental health first and be able to focus on planning for the fall at the school you have chosen. You will bloom where you are planted!


nothing yet

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Assuming decisions will come out in the next few days. The waiting is so hard!

I hope so! This waiting is getting really tough

Very very tough😞

I don’t want to be a damper here, but I seem to recall that one of the initial WL communications we received was, in effect, “We’re going to be done with waitlist activity by May 15.” There was a large batch of communications to students around the 3rd-5th, and a few more the following week. I would assume that means they (i) assessed how many they were short of their target immediately after decision day on May 1, (ii) if it was, say 100, they contacted 100 from the waitlist right away, (iii) saw what sort of response they were getting and contacted another set that matched the “no thanks” responses they got from the first hundred*, and that’s it. If they planned for 2,200 in the class and they end up with 2,185, they’re not going to go back to the waitlist just to get that last 15 kids. I could be wrong on this, and perhaps they do send a final “Waitlist is over” notice to everyone still on it, which means they’re not done. I’ll try to remember to ask our D23 what the communications have said re: process here.

*Given continued interest letters and the other active management of the waitlist that ND seems to engage in, I would not be at all surprised if they know darn well every kid they contact from the waitlist is going to jump at the offer. So it’s possible the smaller second “wave” was only delayed from the first because Admissions was making some final determinations re: fit, declared major intentions, etc.

i have a hard time believing they won’t “close the loop” with all of those on the WL once their class is totally and completely finished.


I agree, you would think they would send out a note. The other waitlists I’m on have sent “we are done selecting from the waitlist” emails.

Does anyone know what ND has done in past years?

Has anybody else noticed that their portal doesn’t have the “submit additional materials” option now?

I just received an email… it’s over…

“I am grateful for your patience and desire to attend the University, and regret to inform you that our entering first-year class is now complete.”

same here

my daughter received the same note last night. it’s not a rejection but a redirection. best of luck to all of you next year!

Not accepted:(

Hope you all go on to have wonderful experiences at the colleges you have accepted spots at.

I am a Notre Dame graduate with a data science background. I spent years studying probability, statistics, likelihood, regression, etc. Now, I work with artificial intelligence and machine learning. The mathematical likelihood of admission from the waiting list doesn’t look high. If one uses the forum responses as unstructured data and uses supervised classification with labels of “low”, “medium” and “high”, then the likelihood is “low”.

But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Just plan for the alternative. I noticed a lot of aspiring HS students who get waitlisted don’t get well-rounded advice. In your case, I would point out the odds of admission to Notre Dame are still high for graduate school. A transfer in the junior year is also possible, but I would say graduate admissions give higher odds if you choose a major that allows you to apply to multiple departments. For example, if you major in electrical and computer engineering at an inexpensive state university with strong STEM, then minor in applied statistics or computer science. That could allow you to apply to multiple departments like electrical engineering, computer science, applied math, and data science or even an MBA with a tech focus. The college experience of applications doesn’t end at age 18. It’s only beginning. I have multiple master’s degrees now from all across the country -lol. Best wishes.

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