Notre Dame Chances...Please??

<p>Hey Guys, Another thread asking for your wonderful insight on my chances at my dream school - The University of Notre Dame</p>

<p>GPA: 99.4
Rank: 10 of 312
SAT: Math-700 Crit. Reading-670 Writing-680 (1370)
AP Bio, AP Calc, AP Us History, AP Euro History, over 20 honors courses (excelled in all)
4 year varsity letter winner in tennis, 2 year varsity letter winner in golf
National Honor Society, Senior Leader, Student Council, SADD,
Gold Medal on National Latin Exam Four Years In a row
National HOnor Roll
WHo''s Who Among High School Students
2 Preceptorships at Doctors Offices (nominated by teacher)
SAT II - Bio 610 and US History 680</p>

<p>Notre Dame has been my dream school all my life and from what I hear from my English teachers and my parents is that I wrote great personable and creative essays. I also expressed in my personal statement my undying love for the University and what it stands for. </p>

<p>Letter of Rec from an Alumni (my dad's colleague-worked with him for one year), my local priest, and math teacher</p>

<p>If you guys could chance me with percentages or anything, that would be great</p>

<p>I'll definitely chance you back if you can give me your insight...just give me the links...Thanks So Much!!</p>

<p>I’d say pretty good.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>will chance back guyss</p>

<p>I think it’s a match/ low reach. Your SAT IIs are on the lower side but you have a challenging course load, great GPA and nice awards. You do seem to be lacking ECs though. Are there more you just didn’t list? Good luck!</p>

<p>this is just what i put for someone else … “luckilly, my college guidence guy used to work in admissions for notre dame. he said your gpa, recommendations, and everything else means nothing to them. if you have a 1470 (math and reading) sat your in. if not, than maybe but probably not. so youve got that including the other stuff. i wouldnt sweat it. five or six of my friends from last year got in with lower scores than you. only one went, the others went ivy league lol. smartest class ever through the prep. anyway, youll get it. dont worry.” </p>

<p>you NEED to get your sat’s up. good luck</p>