Notre Dame Latino Community Leadership Seminar

<p>I'm going this summer, any reviews/advice from anyone? Lol thanks</p>

<p>I really enjoyed my experience with the program. Though I didn't end up choosing Notre Dame, I really like the school. The campus is great and the food is amazing. I made some really good friends there in the short week. The small group helps with that, but also coming from the same background and having similar academic goals helps take away the first barrier so it is almost like you already got through the preliminary introductions with them(at least in my experience). I hope you enjoy it.</p>

<p>Sweet, that sounds fun. One question though: I know there's a curfew at like 11 pm or something, but are we allowed free time in the evenings to either chill around campus or even outside of it? One of the reasons I ask is because the new Harry Potter movie comes out during the week and I'm wondering if I can see it while at the seminar. lol</p>

<p>No, you don't get to do that sort of thing really late. A similar thing happened when I was there and the Dark Knight came out. Some girl bought the tickets using her credit card and apparently it set off a flag with the internet use because the next day they told us it would be unwise to sneak off to see the movie. I don't know what sort of events they have planned for you as far as entertainment, but they are usually pretty fun. I thought they were fun enough to keep me from TDK for a little bit longer.</p>

<p>Side note. We took a day trip to the Navy Pier on the Wednesday I was there and it was the Chicago premier of The Dark Knight where Michael Cain and other stars from the movie were there(including the Batmobile and Bat Cycle from the films). Of course we didn't get to go to the actual premier, but some people did stick around for the red carpet stuff while others like myself went to play put put and eat.</p>

<p>OK that's cool. Could you give me a main idea with regards to the daily schedule then(wake up, class time, chill time, etc)? Thanks.</p>

<p>Nah, I forgot. Just wait till you get there! It'll be fine.</p>

<p>Aight np lol thanks</p>

<p>I happen to come across this website when researching the Notre Dame Latino Community Leadership Seminar. I consider myself a hard working and intelligent Hispanic student. I get mostly As in school. I am a junior, and I am interested in participating in this seminar. Could you give me advice or any helpful information on this program?</p>

<p>Its an amazing program, and I highly encourage you to apply. My daughter had the time of her life, learned alot and made her a more compelling applicant to college. Notre Dame does an amazing job, the program, the professors, and the university- its the best you can get.</p>