Nov. 15th is near. Need to rant.

<p>I just need to rant.
My app for Lehigh is due on Nov. 15th for early decision. That's in 5 days. All my own app is done. My teacher will have a rec completed within a reasonable amount of time. But my problem:
I haven't even talked to my guidance counselor about the secondary school form and such. Yay. My transcript was requested in my guidance office, but nothing else. I emailed her on friday to ask her if she could do this stuff, and no reply yet. Great. I gotta get down there to get my ED agreement signed and mailed in too... ugh. I guess the signature on the ED sheet has to be my official counselor too? Should be interesting to get this all done. lol.</p>

<p>Bump. Should I be this angry?</p>

<p>Well, being angry isn’t really going to help. One challenge with an ED application is having to get a jump on all the necessary elements very early in your senior year. Not having already talked to your counselor about the Secondary School Report by this late date is somebody’s fault… yours? theirs? But, yeah, it’s very late in the game now. You can’t control when teachers get their letters of rec. written, but for an ED application you really need to ask them sometime in Sept. at the latest. Same for counselors, I would expect.</p>

<p>On the positive side, if you get in everything that is in your direct control (the primary app, essays, application fee, supplements, etc.), then many colleges give some leeway with the deadlines for things like teacher recs, test scores, transcripts, and so forth, to arrive.</p>

<p>Good luck with it all.</p>

<p>no you shudn’t</p>




<p>And @ 'rentof2: Yeah. I know I pushed a lot off too late. I definitely didn’t know I should have done stuff so early though. Time really did fly. :(</p>

<p>I don’t understand why you would be angry.
You need to talk to your counselor ASAP and get that secondary report sent out as Priority Mail. It should still get there on time.</p>

<p>Well, I did email admissions about it, and they said it is common and wouldn’t be a problem if school forms and recs came in a little late. But I’m still stressed. The way guidance is set up at my school doesn’t help.</p>

<p>Should I just give up and do EDII? lol… I don’t even know what to think. I feel like crap. I’m definitely going to my guidance office before I leave tomorrow to see if I can see my counselor asap.</p>

<p>Lol, you have until Saturday…</p>

<p>You still have time but no, to be quite blunt, you should have asked way earlier. I know at my school one needs to ask within the first few days of school to even get an appointment. Its terrible really. All you can really do now is go to her office and tell her its an emergency, perhaps bring some chocolates with you? :)</p>

<p>lol is screwing me over. first they tell me that i’ve submitted EVERYTHING…ALL green arrows. </p>

<p>today!!! however! a yellow square reappeared next to the supplement section.
i don’t think my arts supplement stuff went through! i called penn up and waited over 30 minutes and i decided to write to them. </p>

<p>and the extra recommendation letter too…</p>

<p>I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON!!! panic attacks!</p>

<p>sry i just hijacked ur post…random too</p>