<p>After having gone through this entire process, spending days of your life on cc, didn't you love every second of it? I'm sure we all have regrets but the college application process has been incredibly exciting for me. It was basically a massive friendly competition among both people you don't know and people you do know. I've gotta say that I loved this entire process. Didn't you?</p>
<p>Somewhat. Filling out applications was boring. I liked visiting schools and going on interviews and being able to explain myself. The wait from colleges is nerve wracking.</p>
<p>Umm…does anyone really like it? For the most part, it’s stressful having to wait for interviews, fill out a zillion forms without getting things confused, etc. But I did enjoy writing my essays–I’m an aspiring journalist/writer. I think right now I am more relieved that I have everything in than I am in love with the whole process. That might change once i get one of those big envelopes in the mail, however… Oh yes…the wait is VERY nerve wracking. I’m trying to keep busy on CC, with homework, and with friends.</p>
<p>As a parent I am going to miss it! I liked all that junk mail (the mail box is almost empty now); I loved the college tours; I loved reading my kid’s essays. I doubt my kids liked this college game as much-they did all the work and have to make decisions, deal with rejection, etc.</p>
<p>The waiting is definitely worse. Congrats on MIT, goldenratiophi! I was going to apply to MIT, but I thought my math and science stats/ECs weren’t good enough for them.</p>
<p>Loved the Visits
LOVED the Search
Double Loved the Interviews (one of my favorite parts)
Loved Most of the APPs
HATED Financial Aid
HATING the 3 month wait…</p>
<p>Looking back. The lead-up was kind of fun: the visits, the search, making lists, exploring new places, etc. The actual process of filling out applications and waiting for results was stressful and I could have done without it. I did, however, get into my first choice school ED, so I don’t have any complaints…</p>
<p>junior year college search was so much fun. it was intriguing learning about the process and all the different schools. i loved visits. application time was okay… i knew i’d procrastinate rather fantastically, so it was all good.</p>
<p>That was a good one I really needed a laugh.</p>
<p>In all seriousness though, I guess it really was kinda fun. At first the whole thing was pretty frightening, especially after coming onto CC and seeing what I was up against. Then I got a bit um…obsessive with the virtual tours (since I couldn’t visit). Now, my new obsession is CC (as in seriously, I’m blowing off my bio homework as I type this). If I get into my top choice, I’ll actually be able to say this was a good process…but that’s 3…freaking…months…away! <em>tears out hair then screams after realizing just how long that’ll take to grow back</em></p>