NSC Conference timing and AP credit for Engineering

I have read on this forum many times the suggestion to sign up for the earliest NSC available. The first engineering NSC currently available is 5/31 and that is before May AP exam scores will be back. Is it still best to take that early date knowing that whatever schedule is produced will likely be changed once the AP scores have come back or take a July NSC after scores are out?

My son already has credit from AB Calc, AP Bio, AP US History. His senior year he is taking BC Calc, AP Physics C, AP Chem, AP English Lit. He has got conflicting recommendations as to which of these classes to take the AP Credit for. His teachers at school tell him kids in the past have had no issues taking the credit and going ahead. A&M generally advises to take a step back and retake some of the courses, however, they have told my son that if he chooses to take all the credit he will get a waiver from the science requirement for Engineering Entry to Major. I have heard a lot of talk on this forum about taking one of the Physics classes over the summer anyways.

So for those familiar with FYE, if you had credit for the sciences would you take it? If you have credit for both freshman year maths would you take it? Would you take the Entry to Major Science waiver or choose to retake one Chemistry and perhaps take organic chemistry? I read some where that taking that waiver might take him out of the auto round for Entry to Major, I don’t know if that is true or not? My son is planning on going Biomedical Engineering and the only other science after the AP credit ones on his plan is Organic Chem. He is also planning on taking Honors Engineering if that factors in at all. Thanks kindly.

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Suggestion : (keep in mind I am not a student who has tried this method, but I know some people who tried it)

If you feel confident he will do well on those APs, I recommend you sign up for Calc 2 and Physics Mech and take the easy A and try to exempt the Chem and literature by taking their CLEP exams.

Their format is pretty similar to the AP Chem and Lang tests, and I believe chem and lit have no free response. You can take Clep year round, so if you take them in May discover he passes both tests with 50 or better, he can exempt those classes at his NSC and sign up for Calc 2 and Physics with the credit he already has.